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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
Manifesting Money - How to Attract Money Even If You Are Now Broke
When you understand how to use your mind in a holistic way manifesting money can be quite easy. The way you perceive money will determine your ability to manifest it in your life or not.
Change Your Core Beliefs - Connecting With Your Sensuality, Desirability and Attractiveness
So many of us have all sorts of perceived ideas about our physical body and it's imperfections. When we are looking to call in our beloved and soul mate, for most of us that is going to mean having a physical relationship.
Learn Techniques to Help You Study - Focus on Those at the Party
Do you have trouble remembering a large number of items? Do you have trouble focusing on remembering these items? Although, "-Focus on Those at the Party" is an exercise that is designed to help you learn to focus your mind, it will also help you remember many more items than you ever thou
Five Words That Will Change Your Life
In our efforts at self-improvement we find that there are so many areas that we would like to change.Some desire happiness or wealth.Some wish they could eliminate disorders or simply feel better.The list of what we would like to enhance seems to be endless.
Day Starter
We are getting prepared for something! Think of many issues that arise in your life. When you just rewind your memory and see them it's like watching a movie!
Overcoming Fear in the New Year and in a Tough Economy
They say that laughter is the best medicine, and it truly is a powerful antidote. But I want to share some other things that a person can do when they feel the pressures of life.
Expectation Is Everything
You cannot control the vibration of other people. You cannot control the behavior of other people. You cannot control the attitudes of other people. You cannot control them. BUT...
If We Love The Dog So Much, Why Do We Hate Being Called A Dog
Our females sometimes bitch. Our males can act like mad dogs. In fact the deranged dog is the most effective description of an individual who has lost all control. And that is the point. Does a dog loose it's mind, or does it discover one of its own?
Improve Time Management Skill - Shift Your Paradigm
Is time management one of your daily challenges? To overcome this challenge begins by changing your paradigm
5 Differences Between Wishful Thinking and Intentional Action
Often we stay in the same place because we expect change to occur only because we want it to. However, change occurs because we choose to get our hands dirty. Wishing isn't hard work, but working out our wishes is another matter indeed, worth every ounce of struggle and risk.
Effective Time Management for Adults with ADD
Copyright (c) 2008 Jennifer Koretsky One of the core principles of managing adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is learning how to work with it, instead of fighting against it. This means building on your strengths, ...
How to manage stress effectively and be stress-free
This article gives you some helpful tips to relax yourself and be stress free.
Working by the Job Or Working by the Hour - Are You Trading Dollars For Your Precious Hours?
Are you trading your precious hours for dollars by working at a job? Read about why it may be better to work by the assignment rather than by the hour.
Have Faith and Hope in Opportunity and You
We are meant to go through difficulties in order for us to learn and grow. It's up to us to find the wisdom in it and be better because of it.
It is Possible to Learn Even When Asleep Through Subliminal Learning
It's amazing but true that it is possible to learn even in deep sleep. When a person is asleep, the activities around the person still continue to happen. The brain picks these signals and stores it. The difference in the functioning of brain when the person is asleep as compared to when he is
Stress Relief Through Music Therapy
How many people suffer from stress these days? Experts tell us that in the west it's the majority of people! That probably accounts for the fact that stress relief programs appear like mushrooms. Some are useless, but many work - and one of the best has proved to be music therapy. It works not
What Is Your Clutter Barometer?
If only we could blame the barometer for the clutter that builds up where we live. You desperately want to live in an orderly and peaceful environment. What keeps holding you back? It seems like for every step you take to get organized, you take two steps back! Read on for tips to organizing your wo
Futile Persistence: How Do You Know When To Stop?
We live in a fast-paced world where people want what they want now. But one of the key differences in those who succeed in their online business and those who fail is persistence. Is there a limit to persistence? Does persistence become time wasting at some point? If so, how do we recognize when to
Self Improvement Tips
Are there ways to acquire free self improvement ideas? In today's generation where electronic technology is at its peak, tips on character building can be accessed free of charge anywhere across the world. However, a ...
Manifest Money By Falling In Love: 5 Simple Ways To Love Money
Do you know how to easily and quickly manifest money? You will when you use and read this article. Manifesting money is easy once you've fallen in love with it.