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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Time Management Games

Before even attempting to play time management games, you have to bear in mind that it can be addicting. Hence, it is important to also learn how to manage your playing time. Also, when you ...

Who Says I Need a Makeover?

After too many years of living pessimistically and cynically, which has caused me to squander much of my potential and many of my significant relationships, I am now forced to say it out loud, "I was wrong." Now I begin the rebirth from my own ashes like the mythical Phoenix.

One Can Be Polite Without Being Phony

Being polite is something that any well-mannered individual should do naturally. However, in many cases it does not, and in an attempt to appear well-mannered, some people replace actually being polite with phoniness. While basic decency should demand that someone treat others politely and with resp

Your Creative Genius: Moving into Vision

You have a creative genius, a gift of God, which was yours at birth. You have the potential to bring this gift to the world in a very special way...

Have You Found This Hidden Door to Success?

While the majority of people spend their entire lives struggling to make a living, a small group of people seem to have everything going their way. They always have money in the bank, time to enjoy themselves, and relationships that are loving, supportive and long-lasting. So why is it that life can

How to Learn Mentalism

Magicians and magic fascinate you. If the magician is an expert like David Copperfield, you marvel at how he does the trick of flawlessly making things disappear before your very eyes. You would have believed that the gleaming car had actually disappeared from your sight if you were not aware David

Using Hypnosis Induction to Create a Hypnotic State

The technical definition of hypnosis is that it is a set of attitudes or a mental state that is created through various hypnotic induction techniques, and there are very many in existence and in practice. A hypnotist will usually use one or two favorite techniques in order to encourage a person to e

Shy No More

If you were describing your personality, would ''shy'' be included? If you answered, 'Yes,' you are not alone. Many people suffer from this anxious feeling. I often hear people say, 'That is the way I

Your Dreams Have a Message For You

Did you know that every dream carries a message for you? Read how one woman saved her health and heart from relief of a nightmare.

Find The Balance

For years, the media has led the charge on the importance of balancing work, life and family, particularly for women who are still the main caretakers of the house and family, regardless of whether they work outside the home or not.I was convinced that I had it all under control.Working in the high

5 E's to Success

Are you paralyzed by your fears? Did you want to break through your fears and take action? Learn the 5 E's To Success and get motivated.

Organizing Principles - Everything Has Its Own Place

If you are interested in becoming a more organized person, then you should be interested in some organizing principles. Some useful organizing principles are the following: understand that keeping things in order is in your own benefit, group items and tasks that are similar, break big tasks into sm

True Self: Why Is It Hard To Reveal Our True Self?

Revealing who one is to others is not always easy and I believe that this can be due to two reasons. Firstly this can come about through not knowing who one is and secondly through the feeling that it

Moving on From Family Dysfunction

Dealing with the consequences of our family dynamics is hard. This article gives some guidelines to helping to move on from the your family and differentiate.