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Expectation Is Everything

You cannot control the vibration of other people.
You cannot control the behavior of other people.
You cannot control the attitudes of other people.
You cannot control them.
BUT You can control your own vibration.
You've got to tell a bigger story, you've got to tell a deeper story.
You've got to get beyond the peripheral, beyond the surface.
You've got to get deeper into the relational experiences with other people or whatever it is you are giving your attention to.
This is where we have got to get to The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, the sick are getting sicker, the well are getting weller, the confused are more confused, the clear are more clear-minded.
The crevasse is getting bigger and bigger.
What's happening to us hasn't got ANYTHING to do with anyone or anything else.
It's all about us because when we dig in to the vibration that we offer by caring about how we feel as we think about something we can get to the place where everything will move forward as the larger part of us (source) already has.
Creation is about closing the vibrational gap between us and us.
As we begin to tell a different story we have to get to the vibrational essence of things on a deeper and deeper level.
The story I ultimately want to get to is the place where I can tell the story that it does not matter - across the face of this earth - how anyone else feels about me.
That their opinion about me has no relevancy to me and no factor in my vibration unless I sense it.
Sometimes I can feel things and I can't control the circumstances.
When I feel something (whether it's something I see with my eyes or something I can feel with my intuitive emotional guidance system) there is this feeling that I often have that goes something like: "Now, I'm having this experience.
I still need to control something else.
I need to change a circumstance so that this will go away" Now I've come to understand that when I feel that something is wrong and I can't do anything about it there isn't anything to do about it other than making myself stop feeling that something is wrong.
"I still need to control something, the circumstances need to be adjusted in order for things to go well for me.
"And that is NEVER true! All we have to do is adjust our vibration.
It might be hard to feel good when you see that others are doing things wrong and it might be hard when you feel that others are doing things wrong.
It might be hard to feel better when you see things that are wrong and it might be hard to feel better when you feel that things are going wrong.
But we should really get off the belief-system that says: "I've got to fix what's wrong before I can feel better" and find a way of feeling better before anything's fixed.
And if we can find a way of feeling better before anything is fixed Law of Attraction will fix those things! But until we find a way of feeling better before anything is fixed Law of Attraction cannot fix those things and people who can't buck our current will behave exactly in opposition to how we think they should behave.
Not because they don't like us and not because they're being bad to us But because they are being swept up in the current of our vibration and they are co-creating with us on a level that is not satisfactory to us and the feeling in our gut is about our separation from who we really are and what we really want.
It doesn't have anything to do with other people! It doesn't have anything to do with outside circumstances! It's all about cleaning up our vibration because it's the only way we will ever feel good! We should clean it up because we want to feel good.
Make your vibrational adjustments for one selfish and singular reason: the vibrational adjustment feels better.
We should give up the belief that we can get to where we want to be by controlling others.
It feels so good to give up! Because what happens after we have given up is not that our desires won't come.
That's impossible, our desires are in place for eternity - the eternalness of this universe depends on them - it's that we give up the struggle to control and things fall into our lap like you won't believe because Law Of Attraction then responds to the purity of our desire that our source has already embraced for us.
GENIUS, isn't it? =D
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