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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
Natural Foot Care For Diabetics
Because of the disease diabetes, damage can be caused to blood vessels and nerves in the feet, then circulation may be impaired and infections can form on the feet without the person realizing. This c
Have Sclerosis Of The Liver? These Foods Have Got To Go
If you have sclerosis of the liver, or you know someone who does, then I bet you're looking for some information about the types of foods you should avoid. Keep reading to find out the 3 food
Understanding Just What Fibromyalgia Is - An Overview
Fibromyalgia is a term that was coined a while ago by doctors. It is a combination of Greek and Latin terminology...
Crohn's Disease in Children - Can It Be Cured Naturally?
Crohn's disease in children can be cured, with a new cure, developed recently in 2009. Read on to learn more.
Why Do Feet Go Numb After Sitting for a While?
There are different reasons why your feet go numb. Having a disease, nerve damage and sitting for too long in a way that cuts off circulation are some causes.
Natural Products To Cleanse Your Kidneys Fast
Kidneys are the two most vital organs in your body. The shape of this organ is just like a bean and a pair of kidney mainly filters the wastes from the blood so that they ...
Rabies - A Real Threat Or All Hype?
Everyone is afraid of rabies. Are these fears justified or is it being blown out of proportion?
Frozenshoulder - What Exactly Is the Frozen Shoulder?
The change in lifestyle has seen the increase in the number of health problems that people face. The main reason behind the high number of health problems has been attributed to both change in dieting ...
Some Things You Should Know Why Genetic Engineering Animals Is A Bad Idea
Most of us may have already heard about genetically engineered crops, vegetables and fruits, with soybeans and corn being the most common. However, have you heard of genetic engineering in animals? The truth is that ...
Hemorrhoids and Piles Symptoms and Treatment
Many people suffer from hemorrhoids at some time in their lives. As much as half the population has had hemorrhoids by their 50th birthday. Women and men alike can have them. Pregnant women are especially ...
Home Remedies For Cold Sores: Top Answers For Healing Your Cold Sore
Home remedies for cold sores often are the best techniques for clearing your face of oral herpes events. Throughout this great article, you will get quite a few top secrets that delivered amazing results for others, and they can for you too.
Rocky Mountain Fever Symptoms
Ticks infected with Rickettsia rickettsii bacteria transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever through bites or broken-skin contact. This bacterial infection often occurs in warm weather when ticks are most active.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Few Things You Should Be Aware About
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition in which a person has to go through a number of mental and physical problems. The most unfortunate thing about chronic fatigue syndrome is that doctors often fa
Top Fall and Winter Skin Care Tips for Those With Vitiligo
As we all know, sunlight is a very important factor in vitiligo treatments as it helps improve the skin's pigmentation. But of course, since it's winter and the sun is kind of missin
3 Reasons For Rising Popularity Of Ambulatory Surgery In India
Ambulatory Surgery is a medicinal term for a same day surgery; wherein a patient does not have to stay overnight or more in a hospital.
How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins Naturally?
Getting rid of varicose veins is not a very difficult job. However, you need to choose the right approach for you. The natural way is probably the best one you can start with, as it has no side effects, and does not produce permanent damage in the body, like the surgery.
Shingles - Treatment and Prevention
Most of us get chickenpox as children, and a few of us are left with a tell-tale souvenir of the experience: a tiny scar on the face or neck where we scratched once too often. But some of us are left with another legacy of that usually harmless childhood infection: shingles.
Shingles in Children - The Symptoms and Causes
When you get chickenpox, your body is affected both inside and outside regardless of your age. You experience stomach pains, sore throat, flu, headache, and fever. What's more, you get an ext
The Treatment of Hydrosalpinx
Ms Cheng, from Beijing, has many black blood clots during the period, and she also can experience pain in lower abdomen and itching on her breast, especially the right breast, which makes her want to ...
A Quick Look At The Damaging Result Of Obesity
Many years of research and medical experience have established how much obesity is detrimental to health. The expenses to contemporary society in the US is shocking and approaches several hundred billion dollars every year. Obviously ...