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Hemorrhoids and Piles Symptoms and Treatment

Many people suffer from hemorrhoids at some time in their lives. As much as half the population has had hemorrhoids by their 50th birthday. Women and men alike can have them. Pregnant women are especially prone to them because of the increased pressure from the fetus.

Hemorrhoids are veins that are swollen. You could describe them as varicose veins of the rectum. Sometimes they are referred to as piles. They normally will not start bleeding or cause pain but sometimes a problem will arise. There are several kinds of hemorrhoids:

*Internal-inside the anus
*External-around outside of anus
*Thrombosed-a blood clot has formed in the anal vein
*Prolapsed-has fallen through the anal opening

Problems can cause swelling, pain and bleeding. These problems can be caused for several reasons. Waiting, instead of going to the bathroom when you feel the urge, can cause pressure to build up and cause your veins to swell. Constipation should be avoided so you do not aggravate the hemorrhoids. Bleeding of bright red blood is usually a sign of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids will cause pain and itching. Excessive wiping after using the bathroom can also cause irritation to occur. You should avoid sitting for long periods of time without taking a break and walking around.

Treatment of piles can be as simple as changing your eating habits. By adding more leafy green vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in cereal and breads to your diet will help regulate your bowels and prevent constipation. Fiber plays an important part also. It can be introduced into the body by your breads and cereals or by a supplement in pill or powder form. Also essential to maintaining regular habits is the consumption of at least six glasses of water a day. This will help to soften the stool and prevent the need to strain. Using moist soft cloths to wipe instead of using toilet paper can reduce the chance of scratching or irritating the anal area. Soaking in a tub of warm water can be a source of relief for some people. This remedy is referred to as a Sitz bath. Other people may prefer to use ice packs to reduce the swollen veins.

Ointments of zinc oxide and suppositories are available over the counter that may be the treatment needed for some other people. Exercise, especially walking, will help keep your bodily functions moving and decrease your chances of hemorrhoids.

Severe cases of piles may need to be treated by your physician. The options that could be considered are:

*Rubber band ligation(placing a band on vein that is swollen until it shrinks away)
*Placing chemicals on hemorrhoid to get rid of them
.*Burning the area with infrared
*Surgery to remove the swollen area

If you have unanswered questions you can find further information at
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