Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Few Things You Should Be Aware About
There has been a rise in concern related to chronic fatigue syndrome. To be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, patients need to meet particular criteria. There are specific guidelines for diagnosing, getting the diagnosis may prove to be difficult for some patients. For at least six consecutive months the patient should have chronic fatigue and the corresponding symptoms that develop after the fatigue.
A proper definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the symptoms and available treatment can help the patients to get a clear picture in understanding of the syndrome.
What is Chronic Fatigue?
The definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome does not help the patients in any way. This is mainly because the syndrome is quite unexplained and results in fatigue, weakness, trouble sleeping, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes and even fever in some cases. There is still no exact known cause for this condition that is present in a patient who has nothing to do with over-exertion and is not rectified by rest.
Some of the symptoms related to the chronic condition have been discussed already. However, you will still find quite a long list. There are few symptoms that are common and a patient can easily identify those themselves. On the other hand, there are symptoms that can only be noticed by expert doctors.
Despite the prevailing circumstances, if the symptoms keep reoccurring for a period of time for no clear reason and no remedy seems to work out, then chronic fatigue syndrome is a frequent diagnosis.
Some of the common symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are:
The syndrome usually starts in different conditions like when a patient is sick or for no apparent reason at all has to deal with a tremendous amount of stress. A number of patients have reported to the doctors that after bouts with the flu, a cold, mono, bronchitis and hepatitis, this chronic syndrome arises.
Unfortunately for the patients, the syndrome can last for months. It sometimes comes and goes or in other cases can constantly affect the patient. Unlike other illnesses that start to fade-off after a few weeks, this syndrome refuses to tone down and sticks without any reason.
Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue
Doctors generally find it quite difficult to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome, this is why it is advisable that you should visit an expert doctor in this field. The main reason for the failure of this syndrome is because most of its symptoms are also common symptoms of other illnesses. This is a main reason that doctor takes months to properly diagnose the syndrome. The patients have to suffer due to this late diagnosis of the chronic syndrome.
With advancement in technology and researches, doctors have become more aware and are able to perform early diagnosis of the syndrome. Adrenal fatigue is another chronic syndrome that is becoming quite a common problem these days. Search online to find an expert adrenal fatiguedoctor. Edgecliff is the place where you can find an experienced chronic fatigue syndrome doctor.
A proper definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the symptoms and available treatment can help the patients to get a clear picture in understanding of the syndrome.
What is Chronic Fatigue?
The definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome does not help the patients in any way. This is mainly because the syndrome is quite unexplained and results in fatigue, weakness, trouble sleeping, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes and even fever in some cases. There is still no exact known cause for this condition that is present in a patient who has nothing to do with over-exertion and is not rectified by rest.
Some of the symptoms related to the chronic condition have been discussed already. However, you will still find quite a long list. There are few symptoms that are common and a patient can easily identify those themselves. On the other hand, there are symptoms that can only be noticed by expert doctors.
Despite the prevailing circumstances, if the symptoms keep reoccurring for a period of time for no clear reason and no remedy seems to work out, then chronic fatigue syndrome is a frequent diagnosis.
Some of the common symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are:
- Intermittent Fatigue
- Persistent Fatigue
- Muscle Aches
- Swollen Lymph nodes
- Depression
- Headache
- Tiredness
- Difficulty in Concentrating
- Achy Joints
- Weakness
- Memory Loss
The syndrome usually starts in different conditions like when a patient is sick or for no apparent reason at all has to deal with a tremendous amount of stress. A number of patients have reported to the doctors that after bouts with the flu, a cold, mono, bronchitis and hepatitis, this chronic syndrome arises.
Unfortunately for the patients, the syndrome can last for months. It sometimes comes and goes or in other cases can constantly affect the patient. Unlike other illnesses that start to fade-off after a few weeks, this syndrome refuses to tone down and sticks without any reason.
Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue
Doctors generally find it quite difficult to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome, this is why it is advisable that you should visit an expert doctor in this field. The main reason for the failure of this syndrome is because most of its symptoms are also common symptoms of other illnesses. This is a main reason that doctor takes months to properly diagnose the syndrome. The patients have to suffer due to this late diagnosis of the chronic syndrome.
With advancement in technology and researches, doctors have become more aware and are able to perform early diagnosis of the syndrome. Adrenal fatigue is another chronic syndrome that is becoming quite a common problem these days. Search online to find an expert adrenal fatiguedoctor. Edgecliff is the place where you can find an experienced chronic fatigue syndrome doctor.