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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

Famous People with Autism

Even though autism can leave a person unable to deal with life at all, some people have a form of autism that allows them to live a life that is fairly normal.In fact, there are plenty of famous peopl

Urinary Tract Infection and Differential Diagnosis

Urinary tract infection is one of the most common diseases today. While most cases are recorded in women, men are still at risk to this disease which symptoms vary from the mild discoloration of the urine to severe infection that causes fever. Unknown to some, there are still other diseases that exh

You Can Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

Approximately every 25 seconds, someone an American will experience a coronary event and about one every minute will die from one. In 2009 approximately 785,000 Americans had a new coronary attack, and about 470,000 will ...

5 Reasons You Should Get Lasik Eye Surgery

There are several reasons that a person should get Lasik surgery. The first reason is that a person is going to see how wonderful results from the Epilasik surgery. This means that a person is ...

How to Make a Model of the Eye

Sight gives us our ability to see light. A model eye enables you to see how the eye resides in your head and what it looks like, with all its major parts.

4 Easy Steps on How to Treat Panic Attacks

If you suffer from panic attacks, you problem know that they are not always straightforward as to how to treat. Panic attacks afflict a lot of people and when they happen, the one thing on ...

Physiotherapy: A Wholesome Answer to Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia pain (or Fibromyalgia syndrome) is a disorder that causes widespread pain all over the body or at certain points in particular, known as €trigger points€. There is no single test that can uniquely diagnose ...

Knee Surgery Basics: When and How To Get A Referral

When one's knees don't cause problems, they're barely noticeable. However, when one is experiencing knee pain, problems with knee mobility, or other knee issues, it can be hard to think of anything else. While a ...

Stomatitis of the Mouth - Angular Cheilitis

Stomatitis of the mouth (also known as Perleche or Angular Cheilitis) is characterized by lesions, resembling paper cuts that occur at the corners of the mouth, as well as redness like a rash in these areas. Pain and discomfort are felt due to these lesions and various medicinal approaches have been

The Pros and Cons of GMO

GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. Over the years, genetic engineering has made it possible for certain plants and animal species to grow and continue breeding, regardless of the environme

Synopsis On Angioedema Disease And Angioedema Eye!

Angioedema Disease is spreading all around the world very quickly because people are unable to diagnose this problem in an effective way. Though this skin disease affects many parts of the body but the Angioedema Eye effect is increasing very rapidly. Why is that?

Complete Information on Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

The Bronchopulmonary growth exceptionally (BPD) is the chronic pulmonary tuberculosis typically occurs in the extremely low birth weight (VLBW) underage when the lung organization and the bigger air c

How to Prevent Mold in Basements and Crawlspaces

If you are going to have a mold problem in your home the most likely place you'll find it is in your basement or crawlspace. The reasons are quite simple; the vast majority of basements ...

What Are the Treatments for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is caused by the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB can spread through microscopic droplets released in the air from an infected person. Tuberculosis is a disease that usually attacks the lungs, but it can also cause damage to other parts of your body via your bloodstream. Accordin

The Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Pain

There are actually millions of people in the United States who suffer from what is known as chronic pain. This is a medical condition which is characterized by pain that persists for more than six ...

Hives Treatment Options

Hives can be simply defined as an allergy of skin which causes localized redness, swelling, and itching. Hives is actually a reaction of the body's immune system that bring about areas of the