You Can Prevent Coronary Heart Disease
Approximately every 25 seconds, someone an American will experience a coronary event and about one every minute will die from one. In 2009 approximately 785,000 Americans had a new coronary attack, and about 470,000 will have a second one. These statistics are staggering and should shock anyone who cares about their own health and the health of their loved ones.
We all want to live, not just a long life, but a healthy life. After all, there's no sense living long if you can't enjoy your life because of acute health problems. Yet, the facts are that more and more people are suffering the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, and the costs involved affect every one of us.
As an example, in the U.S. the cost of coronary bypass surgery, as well as the diagnostic tests involved and total hospital fees can easily exceed $100,000.00 per patient, and in some cases have even surpassed $200,000.00. It doesn't take an accountant to figure out that these costs are excessive and aren't contributing to the lowering of the country's medical costs. In fact, coronary bypass surgery consumes more of the medical dollar in the U.S. than any other treatment or procedure. Therefore, it's in your best interests to avoid coronary heart disease in the first place, or if you're already suffering from it to lessen it's affects on your life.
Following is a list of major risk factors for coronary heart disease that can be modified, treated, or controlled by changes in your lifestyle or by taking medicine:
* Tobacco smoke
* High blood cholesterol
* High blood pressure
* Physical inactivity
* Obesity and overweight
* Diabetes mellitus
* Stress
* Too much alcohol
Except for tobacco smoke, which can only be modified and/or controlled by not smoking in the first place, or quitting if you are a smoker, all seven of the other major risk factors for coronary heart disease can be modified, treated and controlled through exercise and diet. What does this fact tell you? You can live much longer and healthier with the help of a healthy diet and regular exercise.
We all want to live, not just a long life, but a healthy life. After all, there's no sense living long if you can't enjoy your life because of acute health problems. Yet, the facts are that more and more people are suffering the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, and the costs involved affect every one of us.
As an example, in the U.S. the cost of coronary bypass surgery, as well as the diagnostic tests involved and total hospital fees can easily exceed $100,000.00 per patient, and in some cases have even surpassed $200,000.00. It doesn't take an accountant to figure out that these costs are excessive and aren't contributing to the lowering of the country's medical costs. In fact, coronary bypass surgery consumes more of the medical dollar in the U.S. than any other treatment or procedure. Therefore, it's in your best interests to avoid coronary heart disease in the first place, or if you're already suffering from it to lessen it's affects on your life.
Following is a list of major risk factors for coronary heart disease that can be modified, treated, or controlled by changes in your lifestyle or by taking medicine:
* Tobacco smoke
* High blood cholesterol
* High blood pressure
* Physical inactivity
* Obesity and overweight
* Diabetes mellitus
* Stress
* Too much alcohol
Except for tobacco smoke, which can only be modified and/or controlled by not smoking in the first place, or quitting if you are a smoker, all seven of the other major risk factors for coronary heart disease can be modified, treated and controlled through exercise and diet. What does this fact tell you? You can live much longer and healthier with the help of a healthy diet and regular exercise.