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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
Diabetic-Protect Your Feet
High glucose levels in the blood that are caused by diabetes can bring about two complications that can seriously hurt your feet. The first complication is nerve damage, which can occur in the nerves located in both your legs and feet, which causes a lack of feeling. This lack of feeling is caused b
Finding a Natural Bladder Infection Treatment
There are a number of reasons why someone might leak urine, which is why they're looking for a natural bladder infection treatment. It could be an illness causing the problem, in which control will return ...
What on Earth is Celiac?
Celiac is a genetic digestive disease that attacks the small intestine. The small intestine is the part of the digestive system that is responsible for most digestive processes. This is where nutrients in food are mostly absorbed by the body.
Yeast Infection Signs For Vaginal And Skin Infections
A yeast infection guarantees several days of itching that will drive you crazy; the quicker you can determine that you have a yeast infection, the quicker you will be able to treat it and find relief.
Mouth Yeast Infection - Thrush Natural Cure
Mouth yeast infection is known by another name, which is thrush. This condition can affect male and female, child and adult. Candida, the name of the yeast that causes the infections, in found naturally in the body, normally at reasonable, not troublesome levels. When the balance of bacteria in the
Liver Failure - jhon
Liver failure can result from any type of liver disorder, including viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver damage from alcohol or drugs such as acetaminophen Some Trade Names TYLENOL.
What Causes Psoriasis?
There have been many breakthroughs in the last decade of understanding how psoriasis might develop and it's treatment. But why does it occur? Psoriasis is caused by many factors and is a complex disease. There is no single cause known for psoriasis, clearlygenetics, environmental factors and th
What is Genital Herpes?
Genital herpes, a sexually transmitted disease (STD), is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV is in the same family of viruses that causes chickenpox, shingles and mononucleosis.
Ways Adopted by Naturopathic Doctors in Vancouver to Treat Diseases
A naturopathic doctor holds the medical degree by naturopathic medical school especially in US and Canadian provinces. There are certain regions where the term doctor is not used to be referred for them while in ...
Diabetes Diet Plan - Control Your Diabetes
Diabetes is a serious medical condition in which the body is unable to breakdown food into glucose (blood sugar). Insulin assists in the breakdown process but diabetics have a difficult time producing
A Short Glance At The Adverse Impact Of Obesity
It is pretty common understanding that obesity is a dangerous condition for your general health. The expenses to society in the US is staggering and draws near several hundred billion dollars yearly. Of course much ...
Malaria- extreme dangerous condition caused by parasites
In such a condition, if a patient moves to hospital to seek treatment, then blood sample would be taken for examination. To find malaria DNA, polymerase chain reaction test would be suggested. Other t
Get Rid of Frequent Loose Motions Home Remedies
We all get infected with some or the other thing that gets into our food and water at some point in our lives and then we are tormented by frequented and crampy visits to the ...
Are You Suffering From Chronic Fatigue Caused by Candida?
Chronic fatigue is now a recognized condition that more and more people in industrialized nations are being diagnosed with.Although the cause of chronic fatigue is often unclear, there have been a connection made to an immune dysfunction in some cases. With this knowledge, and the understanding that
Buttock Pain Caused by Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis syndrome is a condition that is new to most people who aren't medical professionals or physical therapists. Piriformis syndrome [] causes a type of buttock pain [] due to a problem with the p
The Importance of Early Treatment for Bulimia
Roughly ninety percent of bulimia conditions occurs in young women, and this problem which impacts eating behaviors can sometimes be fatal. The expression of this problem is food binging followed by self induced vomiting. Other ...
How You Can Heal Your Hemorrhoids Fast By Eating the Right Diet
To cure hemorrhoids effectively you have to eat more of foods that are rich in fiber content, these foods make your stools softer and bulkier. The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends that
That Fizzy Goodness In Texas May Be Linked To Cancer
It's sweet, refreshing and fizzy, but soda pop may be doing more damage to individuals who drink it in Houston, Dallas and elsewhere in Texas, than they may think.Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported that it had found a high level of cancer-causing benzene in five of t
How Counseling Helps in Breaking the Chains of Drug Addiction?
Drug addiction now days most common problem among the youth. To deal with the situation many programs are in action to get the addicts on right track. There are many freedom from addiction reviews showing ...
Managing Osgood Schlatter Disease and Hip Pain
When experiencing pain, you would most likely want to look for management for you to be relieved. For pain brought about by Osgood Schlatter disease and hip pain, here are some ways on how you can man