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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
Why Anti-Acids May Not Be Good For Your Digestive System
Most people think anti-acids are the best way for alleviating acid reflux disease. However, this article will explain why this is not the best method for dealing with the condition.
The Ringing In Ears Symptom You Should Know About
A look at tinnitus and how it may be a symptom of a more serious health condition along with action that should be taken to protect your health.
Tummy tuck Medical procedures: Remove excess of fat and get thin body
Tummy Tuck is major operations that require careful preparation on the aspect of the affected person. Tummy tuck medical procedures, once performed, requires several weeks' time to recover to
What Is a Tuberculosis Strand?
Tuberculosis is a dangerous disease that affects millions of people worldwide; it is often highly contagious. There are two main strands of tuberculosis. One is an active infective, and the other is not.
Hemorrhoid Relief The Natural Way
Hemorrhoid relief does not need to involve questionable surgery procedures or expensive medical prescriptions. There are many home remedies for hemorrhoids that do not require any of the above mentioned choices. In this article we ...
Smoking and Type 2 Diabetes - 7 Reasons to Quit
Are you a type 2 diabetic who smokes or who lives with a smoker or socialises with smokers? It's a known fact that smoking, including passive smoking, causes cancer but perhaps less well know
Overview of Prominent Sciatica Relief Treatments
There are several ways to get relief of sciatica symptoms*. Some are simple changes in lifestyle such as including exercise in the daily routine. Other treatments involve regular medical appointments. This includes but is not ...
Present your kid a bright set up
Since, after the birth of your child the most emerging issue concerning your child is that; whether your child is fit in all respect or not?? However, sometimes there may be some genuine anxieties whi
Prescription Medicines That Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction
While erectile dysfunction forms part of the normal process of aging among men, there are other factors that can cause erectile dysfunction to occur. One of the attributed risk factors in the development of erectile ...
The Hidden Source of Muscle Pain and Soft Tissue Pain
There is a source of Muscle Pain and Soft Tissue Pain that can be difficult to pinpoint, and if not treated properly is oftentimes hard to resolve. That is why it has been deemed as a “Hidden Source o
Psoriasis: Low Temperatures Vs. Ultra Low Temperatures
What is the difference between the Low Temperatures and the Ultra Low Temperatures? How does each one of them influence Psoriasis?
A Natural Way To Lower Blood Pressure And Avoid Stroke
Are you tired of taking that daily pill or two or three to control your blood pressure? Are you sick of the side effects or worrying about potential side effects? Are you looking for a ...
The Use of Telemetry to Monitor Heart Disease Patients
Cardiac care has become an increasingly important medical specialty in the United States due to the large number of people who have developed heart disease secondary to poor dietary and exercise behav
A Quick Glance At The Adverse Result Of Obesity
Decades of investigation and medical expertise show how much obesity is harmful to health. The expenses to contemporary society in the US is staggering and approaches several hundred billion dollars yearly. What appears to be ...
Ready to Launch? - Swine Flu Phase 2
The typical global cycle of swine flu infection is described. Electronic records if implemented universally as planned by the Obama administration could help combat the next infection cycle.
Swine Flu - What We Can Learn From H1N1
How did this outbreak happen and what can we do now to prevent such outbreaks again?
Pregnancy Nausea - Causes And Treatments
Pregnancy is one of the most desired phases of a woman's life. Your body begins to change with the growing child within you and unfortunate for some this can cause some unpleasantness as well. Some ...
Hypertension Q&A
A Dr. at a Urgent vigilance facility told me That I hold hypertension. The reading be 150/92.?Is this considered to be hypertension? I ask because one morning ,I felt lightheaded and was sweaty, and b
The New Reality in Celiac Sprue Disease
I became aware of celiac disease something over 10 years ago when my sister was diagnosed with the disease. She had anemia, and her doctor finally tested her for celiac disease when standard treatments didn't work to make her better. Ingesting gluten, for her, meant her system reacted badly and
Why Venapro Is The One Solution That Will Give You Hemorrhoid Relief For Good
The itching. The pain. The inconvenience and embarrassment of hemorrhoids can really put a damper on your life. Not being able to go to social events because you are so uncomfortable, barely being able to ...