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What Causes Psoriasis?

There have been many breakthroughs in the last decade of understanding how psoriasis might develop and it's treatment.
But why does it occur? Psoriasis is caused by many factors and is a complex disease.
There is no single cause known for psoriasis, clearlygenetics, environmental factors and the immune system play key roles in the cause of this disease.
Psoriasis has a very strong genetic bond, and complex numerous genes will require environmental triggers to start psoriasis.
There are numerous ideas why psoriasis occurs in certain people, but no one has been able to figure out the exact cause.
Currently we understand,that there are several major steps in the process, and that the immune system plays a important role.
For a long time the theory has been - 1) With psoriasis the skin cells growth ismore rapid 2) Skin cells separate a lot faster thanskin cells normally.
The number of cells multiplying is doubled, in turn this leads to scaling skin and the thickening of skin.
3) The immune system is vital to the development of psoriasis.
Essentially the thick red and scaly changes within the skin are a reaction to a incorrect signalsent from the immune system to the skin.
Therefore the inflamed plaques of psoriasis are created from a series of abnormal reactions in the skin.
The Immune System The immune system is the front linedefense from foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, and foreign substances called antigens that guards our body.
A chance clinical observation found an improvement in psoriasis symptoms in patients treated with cyclosporine for arthritis.
At the time cyclosporine was not being used for the patient'swith psoriasis.
However the unexpected improvementopened the door to using cyclosporine for psoriasis, andto a new understandings about the causes of psoriasis.
Cyclosporine is a drug essential to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs.
It works by suppressing the immune system, as a result that leads to improvements in psoriasis.
This showed a link between the immune system and psoriasis.
Now there is a much clearer understanding of the exact way psoriasis starts,providing scientists with the possibility of creating new medications that cantarget essentially the immune system and eventually leadingto use new medicines to treat this disease.
Immunology for Everyone A key part in the immune system is a cell groupcalled white blood cells, these help defend the body against foreign substancesand micro-organisms.
A particular type of white blood cell that is understood to be of crucial significance in causing psoriasis is the T lymphocyte.
The T lymphocytes are very "smart" cells because they have amazing memories.
In fact, once they are exposed to a foreign substance, they remember it forever.
With continued exposures, the T lymphocytes they will recognise the substance and multiply to attack it.
Hence, they are known as memory T cells.
Triggers Whilst psoriasis has agenetic component, environmental issues can also play a key part in the out come of disease.
There are many such factors that will trigger the onset of psoriasis or aggravate it in someone already affected.
These include: .
stress .
skin injury (Koebner phenomenon) .
medications .
climate .
infection .
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