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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

5 More Tips About Using the Law of Attraction

It is important to really understand how the Law of Attraction really works and this is done by studying the many books out there that address the subject. Here are some more tips about how you can use the Law of Attraction to make positive changes in your life.

How To Get Rid Of Procrastination Today

Sometimes it is not easy to know how to get rid of procrastination because it is something we often live with. The very nature of procrastination is putting something off and that is very often the reason we live with it. Procrastination is an enemy to anyone, but almost everyone suffers from it at

Are You Satisfied With Your Present Romantic Life?

It is usual to think about likes and dislikes of women by men always. Also, men like you would adjust yourself to match the expectations of the woman you like most thinking that the woman is an outstanding and exceptional human being in this world.

The Eternal Quest

How often have we heard it said, "He's gone in search of himself"? It never ceases to amaze me how much time is wasted and lost in search of ones self. Stop searching, I have the answer, you are right where you have always been! You are right here, right now! Always! What can you poss

Learning How to Do Nothing

Doing nothing should be easy. After all, what's easier than not doing anything? Well, if you've ever tried to really relax and do nothing, you know that it really isn't so simple. After all, we are creatures of habit. If we are used to being in constant motion, if we are used to const

A Time to Kill

It's a New Year and once and for all, it's time to kill your fears for good! Fear is the number one killer of your dreams and happiness and studies show that fear can be linked to many known diseases,

Change Your Seeds

If you are tired of the harvest you are getting. Change your seeds.

Something Even More Powerful Than Beliefs In Shaping Your Reality

Motivation is essentially to getting what you want as you well know by now. In fact, if you were to look back on your life and analyze anything you've ever accomplished, you'd see in most cases the reason you accomplished it is because you were highly motivated to.

Reacting To Illusions

Standing in the shower I glanced up and saw what I thought were drops of water leaking from the top of the shower structure. Since our days in our new home have been about "fix and repair" my first reaction was, "Oh no, not another thing to fix."

The Best Prayer to Be Pure Inherently

There are three nobilities. First is called as "Awakened Mind". It means generation of a special motivation to benefit all the beings with the virtues being practised.

What Does Success Mean To You?

What does success mean to you? This can be a difficult question because we often look to others as examples.Success is not about how society sees you but how you see yourself. It is an inside out approach to success. You have to know yourself and your personal motivators if you want to travel the ro

Give Up Alcohol Safely - Proven Methods To Help You Quit Drinking

If there is an incessant desire to drink and the more you consume the more is the urge then you should definitely consider as to how to give up alcohol. It is indeed surprising that alcoholism is evidently one of the most unreported health conditions to date.

Play Games and Improve Your Short Term & Long Term Memory!

Have you ever forgotten where you left your car keys? Or which area of the parking lot you parked your car? Or the name of the person you were introduced to just seconds ago. These are all functions of memory and you can improve your short and long term memory by playing games.

Sentiments after visiting wuqiao acrobatics

Returning from wuqiao acrobatic community,these days I can not relaxed down my thoughts a visitor,maybe you can ignore about all of the performances;forget all of the performersno matter who is an acting professional or ...

How to Pay Attention - It Can Be Done

There will always be situations we come across where we can not keep up with what is going on because of one reason or another. Even with the topic being boring or something you have no interest in, there are things to try and learn on how to pay attention.

A Few Time Management Tips for You

I present here several time management tips which you can find helpful and attractive for you. I have only a few quick suggestions on time management to begin with. You can presume how important is for you to maximize your precious time.