Play Games and Improve Your Short Term & Long Term Memory!
How's your memory? Have you ever forgotten where you left your car keys? Or which area of the parking lot that you parked your car? Or the name of the person you were introduced to just seconds ago.
Memory is a general term used to describe a variety of brain functions.
It is the ability to recall both recent events and events that occurred many years ago.
Some level of memory loss is a normal part of the aging process for some people although many people retain extremely sharp memories for their entire lives.
Recently, there has been encouraging research reported by Harvard Medical School that suggests that the brain continues to develop new cells and makes new connections between them.
This capacity for rejuvenation introduces the potential for future medical treatment to reverse memory loss.
In the meantime there are many options to help brain function and improve memory as we age.
Remember the adage: "use it or lose it" ...
this certainly applies to memory.
Often we learn best when we aren't aware that we are learning! An example of this is when we are having fun or playing games.
Many games can help you improve both your short term and long term memory.
Crossword puzzles can be both challenging and fun.
They often force us to delve into our long-term memory to recall a word.
They keep the brain active and stimulate thought processes and recall ability.
Video games are an often overlooked source of improving memory.
Many games will require that you negotiate your way through a mapped course ...
you will be required to remember where you have been, who you have seen and recall landmarks.
Without good memory skills it can be impossible to achieve the goal.
Playing video games can improve your short term memory skills while you have fun and exercise your brain.
Most card games require a strong level of recall ability.
Even simple games from childhood can help improve short and long term memory.
Most people will be familiar with the card game simply called "Memory" where all the cards from a deck are placed face down on the table and each player attempts to find matching pairs.
This old game is a brilliant way of improving your memory.
And the more you play the better you get.
Another memory and recall game from childhood is to look around the room then close your eyes.
With your eyes still closed you must recall all the blue items, or all the red items.
Open your eyes and see how well you remembered what you had previously seen.
This game not only improves your short term memory it stimulates the brain and improves your observation skills.
Use your imagination and you'll come up with other games to improve memory while having fun!
Memory is a general term used to describe a variety of brain functions.
It is the ability to recall both recent events and events that occurred many years ago.
Some level of memory loss is a normal part of the aging process for some people although many people retain extremely sharp memories for their entire lives.
Recently, there has been encouraging research reported by Harvard Medical School that suggests that the brain continues to develop new cells and makes new connections between them.
This capacity for rejuvenation introduces the potential for future medical treatment to reverse memory loss.
In the meantime there are many options to help brain function and improve memory as we age.
Remember the adage: "use it or lose it" ...
this certainly applies to memory.
Often we learn best when we aren't aware that we are learning! An example of this is when we are having fun or playing games.
Many games can help you improve both your short term and long term memory.
Crossword puzzles can be both challenging and fun.
They often force us to delve into our long-term memory to recall a word.
They keep the brain active and stimulate thought processes and recall ability.
Video games are an often overlooked source of improving memory.
Many games will require that you negotiate your way through a mapped course ...
you will be required to remember where you have been, who you have seen and recall landmarks.
Without good memory skills it can be impossible to achieve the goal.
Playing video games can improve your short term memory skills while you have fun and exercise your brain.
Most card games require a strong level of recall ability.
Even simple games from childhood can help improve short and long term memory.
Most people will be familiar with the card game simply called "Memory" where all the cards from a deck are placed face down on the table and each player attempts to find matching pairs.
This old game is a brilliant way of improving your memory.
And the more you play the better you get.
Another memory and recall game from childhood is to look around the room then close your eyes.
With your eyes still closed you must recall all the blue items, or all the red items.
Open your eyes and see how well you remembered what you had previously seen.
This game not only improves your short term memory it stimulates the brain and improves your observation skills.
Use your imagination and you'll come up with other games to improve memory while having fun!