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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

How Should I Act When Someone Dies?

It has often been a source of much wonderment to me that we have such little insight into an area of life that is common to us all. Perhaps this is a reflection on our society and its particular taboos. But since we all die, and most of us will experience the death or bereavement of one or more peop

MInd Power - Uncovering Common Mind Techniques

Mind power. Stored within the human mind is an unlimited resource of strength and resolve. How much of this vast potential do you tap into everyday...or do you even believe it exists?

Self-Help Tips - Why Are People Resistant to Change?

Many people who have been involved in any type of personal growth or self development work and have subsequently sensed a real change in their inner world, will often forget the real difficulty and fear ...

Identifying Your Leadership Style

Let's face it; few of us are actually born leaders. Most people need training and experience to develop critical leadership skills-and they often didn't receive that while perfecting their technical expertise. Thus, many managers find themselves in roles for which they've had little p

Where Is God In Your Unrelenting Pain?

It is hard to write something from the heart of experience to people in genuine joy-repealing pain. It's an inherently personal thing, pain. What is a four-out-of-ten on one person's 'pain register' is going to be an eight or nine on another's. This article derides cliche.

Grudges are Injurious to Health

So many of us refuse to let go of past hurts. We hold grudges and dream of revenge. Why don't we understand that we are only doing ourselves great harm?

A Great Relationship Isn't Always One That Makes You Happy

Wouldn't it be nice if your relationships with others existed solely to help you be happy, to meet your needs and to keep you safe? The answer to that question is, not really. Some of the best relationships in our lives are the ones that challenge us, stretch us, bring us grief and test us. Dis

NLP: The Codependent Relationship Strategy - How to Stop the Madness

She said, "He really needs someone around him so he can stop drinking." As I looked at her, images of similar codependent relationships danced through my head, and they were not exactly "sugar plums." Yelling "Don't do it!" at the top of my lungs was not an option,

A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose

How many times have you stood in awe of a field of flowers? How many hours have you spent in your own garden? Have you ever arranged a bouquet of flowers that took your breath away?

Give Thanks

One of my favorite quotes on gratitude is by Zig Ziglar. He states that "Of all the "attitudes" we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing." When I read that quote it just reminds me that we always need to be grateful

Recovering From Co Dependency - Part 3

This article looks at the question of fear of abandonment. It looks at where the abandonment comes from and how we can try to recover from destructive behaviours that we use to cope with our fear.

Leadership - The Law of the Leadership Vacuum

It has been said that wherever there is more than one person someone needs to lead. Better yet,someone will lead. If you don't take leadership of your classroom or office someone else will!

Use Mind Power - Revealed- The 3 Ways You Make Your Beliefs Come True

You have probably already heard that what you believe is what you will see in your life. But do you really believe that to be true? After all aren't you the victim of circumstance. The answer is no! You use mind power to make your beliefs come true. Find out how here...

Inspiring Motivational Speech From Jk Rowlin

I've heard many speeches on seminars and gatherings, words from political figures, entrepreneurs and celebrities as they were trying to convey different types of wisdom at various aspects of life and career. Usually I would ...