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A Time to Kill

A Time to Kill

By Minh Pham, Founder, Walking on Water, 501c Non Profit

It’s a New Year and once and for all, it's time to kill your fears for good! Fear is the number one killer of your dreams and happiness and studies show that fear can be linked to many known diseases, ailments, stress, war and lives!

I just read an article in Net Worth Magazine (Jan 2009) that a man (a successful broker) killed his family and then himself because he lost a fortune in the stock market. The root cause of his anger was 'fear.' Of not having enough, of not living up to other people's standards, fear of failure, fear of ridicule, and so many other reasons caused by nothing other than fear related root causes.

Traditional Rah*Rah*Motivational Techniques Don't Work

They simply offer temporary relief. You're not going to change the world. The external fears will keep coming -- time and money pressures, relationship and career challenges, traffic, health concerns, environmental fears, separation from the easy clarity of your intuition or direct-knowing, alienation from your essential nature.

Motivational techniques only deal with relieving the immediate symptoms of fear. They can't resolve the fear reactions that keep you constantly under pressure. They can't resolve the old fears that you have stored in your body. Traditional fear management techniques don't get to the root of the problem -- your automatic internal reactions to those external pressures and challenges.

Here's how deep the fear goes in you . . .

Very early in our lives you (family, environment, childhood and adult learning, society, culture, etc.) created protective strategies to make sure that you were OK in the world. The trouble is that you become so identified with the strategy, IT began to run YOU. You may not even notice how programmed you've become. It is difficult to see oneself. But others see us and our fears more clearly. By disconnecting the automatic nature of your thinking and behavior is key to resolving fear once and for all.

How can you make such a basic shift your way of being?

You likely have experienced success in some domains of your life - perhaps in many domains. You have created at least some of the things that you want. However, much of what you have accomplished thus far has probably been at a HUGE cost. And your attention is probably on the areas of your life where there is no fulfillment. Pushing through fear does not make fear go away. Pushing through is hard work and simply pushes the fear underground - under the radar, where they are usually stored in your body.

If you are able to be living in ‘stillness,’ this can produce a quiet mind full of inner peace, joy and harmony and a body with youthful vitality and vibrant health. The negative effects of your automatic ‘re-activeness’ to life clears when you learn to let go into ‘stillness,’ into the quietness of the ‘Now.’ Happily, many people are recognizing the importance of stillness.

Eckhard Tolle (author, A New Earth) and Elizabeth Gilbert (author, Live, Love, Pray) -- thanks to Oprah! -- have made the importance of stillness a mainstream conversation.

We define ‘stillness’ simply as ‘non-disturbance’, a place beyond the tension of your body, beyond the noise of your ego mind, beyond the contraction of your energy field. If you attend to ‘stillness,’ resourcefulness arises naturally. Your full potential and capacity is always there, "sourcing" everything while you are otherwise distracted. If you can get into ‘stillness,’ by a simple process of eliminating the noise, 'killing the fear.' You turn off the noise by letting go of contraction and resistance in your body and mind and with that, ‘fear’ can not exist there. It's like a mouse when light shines on it, it has to find a 'dark' place to hide into (noise/negativity/pain/fear programming.)

You can learn these skills just like any other skill you learned. You can master these skills in due time (sometimes amazingly quickly) and you can transcend your experience of life from depletion and limitation to a deep experience of vitality, inner peace, and unlimited possibility.

It's not as hard as it may sound. Of course you don't know how to let go. Yet, with the right techniques and secrets and a strong intention, letting go is easy. It actually takes more energy to hold on than it does to let go. It helps to become aware of where and how you are holding on. It may be too amazing to believe, but there is a proven, reliable, predictable process that can lead you to know how to let go of the contraction that locks fear in place and allows it to build.

So know that anything is possible, just like reading this article is possible because you had to learn to read and you can learn to live a life of total freedom.

Total skill!

You have nothing to lose but everything to gain by just trying! I envision the shift that you can have is possible, because I’ve done it and if I can anybody can do it, (I’m simply ‘no genius’) then you can too.

To your old death (of fear) and your new life of joy.

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