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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

What Are You Most Afraid Of?

Many people allow fear to consume their lives and they miss out on living because of it. Whatever you fear happening or not happening has no power when you have faith.

What's Your Word for 2014?

At the beginning of each of the past two years, I've come up with a word using Christine Kane's powerful workbook, "Your Word of the Year Discovery Tool." Last year, I chose the word spaciousness. It became an impetus for doing things differently, and it led to me making five cha

Wise Decisions - The Rule of Three

So you want to know how to make better decisions? You want to learn to be more decisive and better prepared?Read on and enjoy using the Rule of Three and I look forward to your feedback on how these tips have helped you.

Clearing Out Your Mental Attic

While many people have been busy creating their New Years resolutions, this year I find myself doing exactly the opposite. For the past few months I have been clearing out the physical stuff and clutter I've accumulated in my life and my home. Along the way, some of what I've discovered.

Practical and Detailed Time Management Tips for a Fulfilling Life

How you manage your time plays a crucial role in work-life balance. Time management tips can help you keep up with work, play and leisure - without compromise. Each person has 24 hours at their disposal. Learn how to make time work for you in order to enjoy a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

The World's Best Kept Secert

There is a force that can discover treasures and uncover hidden riches of which we never envisioned. There is a power that we can call upon to give us all we ever need. You will ...

Zest - Zealous Exuberance

Zest consists of that flash and dash of energy and brilliance that fills our being, head to toe, whenever excitement spins through the mind. Zest promotes happiness, forgiveness, and understanding. Happiness is easy to comprehend - zesty exuberance is always filled with joy. Just try to imagine a ze

Keys to Real Success - The Proper Way to Handle Power Politics

One of the stumbling blocks to success in business is not knowing how to deal effectively with power in the workplace. In order to be successful, one must learn not only to peacefully co-exist with those who are presently in power but also to avoid misusing their own power. Central to all of this is

What is Symbolism, and Can it Change YOUR Life?

Symbolism allows you to encounter the a routine perception or event (in the past and present) and eventually see it in a new way, allowing you to gain personal insight, develop new methods of handling

Just What Do You Mean You're a Winner?

"Win at all costs." "Winning's not the only thing." "It's not whether you win or lose but how you play the game." We've all heard these. They've been around for a long time. So how to you get from winning at all costs to winning is not the only thing

Why Spiritual Deliverance Is Important

A lot of us Christians have the misconception that once we have given our lives to Christ & have accepted him as our Lord & personal Savior then all of our problems will just somewhat miraculously despair. However, it it's only a matter of time before reality sinks in & we realize that that&apo

Corporate Women Benefit from Personal Growth Techniques

Whole Life Harmonics, an industry Personal Growth Leader, is changing the lives of women business owners and corporate managers. Women have long been challenged by the demands of surviving and thriving in business. High-pressure work ...

Organizing - How to Get Rid of Things You Don't Need

Do you hang onto everything? Could you be a hoarder? Hoarding isn't healthy. People who hoard have a dis-ease that needs to be addressed. However, if you're just hanging onto stuff because you think you'll need it one day, you may want to face the facts that if you haven't used i

How to Stop Getting Embarrassed

Finding yourself tongue-tied, at a loss of words or just plain embarrassed after mumbling something dumb among a group of friends can be difficult to handle. It can end up playing on your nerves in the long-term and affect your personal and business relationships.

Stop Procrastinating With One Question

One simple question to ask yourself that will help you stop procrastinating and get things done. Get up. Go make tea. Sit down. Run through your music. Browse the internet. Get up. Lie down. Get up. Sit down. Pick up a book. Doodle. Get up. Do something, anything but what you should be doing.

Attitude Drives Action - Action Drives Results!

If you want to lead a great life, you have to be ready to take great actions. The best way to prepare you to take great action is to practice having a great attitude.Say "YES" enthusiastically everyday to prepare yourself for Victory!

Consciously Create Your Wonderful Reality

To consciously create refers to the intentional effort to craft the life you want. However, since this kind of creation is 100% deliberate and comprehensive, it goes much deeper than just changing a handful of aspects that you may not like of your present life. Thus, conscious creation means buildin