Why Anti-Acids May Not Be Good For Your Digestive System
People with acid reflux disease are often advised to take anti-acids.
These are medications that work by decreasing the amount of acid the stomach produces.
In turn, the GERD sufferer feels a sense of relief, since there is not enough acid to cause problems.
Yet, in reality, anti-acids only provide a temporary solution for acid reflux disease.
In fact, if anti-acids are used for too long, they could actually make one's GERD worse.
Why? Well, in order to digest food, you must have a suitable amount of acid in your stomach.
Anti-acids cannot provide this, since their goal is to eliminate your stomach acid.
However, in the long run this is not good because without stomach acid, the digestive system is unable to do its job.
After a while, you will begin to suffer with other problems.
For instance, you may experience weight gain because your metabolism slows down.
You may also become malnourished because the body is unable to absorb all of the nutrients in your food.
And if you're malnourished, you become more susceptible to illnesses, anemia, tiredness and other problems associated with improper nutrition.
There's also the issue of your other organs, which become more taxed as undigested food remains floating around in your digestive system.
Consequently, you may experience other difficulties including hormonal imbalances, gallstones, headaches and even hiatal hernias.
And, if you are already experiencing health issues, undigested food just makes them worse because the body has to work that much harder.
So, if anti-acids cause all of these problems, what can a person do to lessen acid reflux symptoms? Surely, GERD sufferers can't be expected to sacrifice their long-term health for day-to-day comfort.
Well, thanks to advances in holistic medicine, they may not have to.
Why would holistic medicine be a better choice? Well, holistic doctors don't actually treat GERD.
They help you to increase your ability to digest your food naturally so that the flow is smoother and faster.
If that happens then food does not tend to back up or rot and symptoms get better.
These approaches have grounding in both science and philosophy...
approaches that have been used for thousands of years in other countries.
So, you can be assured that if you did decide to go in that direction, you have a good chance of getting your problems taken care of.
However, don't go off anti-acids on your own, especially if they are prescribed through a physician.
If you have acid reflux disease and you stop your medicine and decide to "tough it out" you can put your esophagus at serious risk.
Let me be very clear.
Always talk to your doctor first before taking or stopping any drug.
However, if you get help form a holistic doctor and your symptoms improve then your medical doctor may be able to change your prescription.
These are medications that work by decreasing the amount of acid the stomach produces.
In turn, the GERD sufferer feels a sense of relief, since there is not enough acid to cause problems.
Yet, in reality, anti-acids only provide a temporary solution for acid reflux disease.
In fact, if anti-acids are used for too long, they could actually make one's GERD worse.
Why? Well, in order to digest food, you must have a suitable amount of acid in your stomach.
Anti-acids cannot provide this, since their goal is to eliminate your stomach acid.
However, in the long run this is not good because without stomach acid, the digestive system is unable to do its job.
After a while, you will begin to suffer with other problems.
For instance, you may experience weight gain because your metabolism slows down.
You may also become malnourished because the body is unable to absorb all of the nutrients in your food.
And if you're malnourished, you become more susceptible to illnesses, anemia, tiredness and other problems associated with improper nutrition.
There's also the issue of your other organs, which become more taxed as undigested food remains floating around in your digestive system.
Consequently, you may experience other difficulties including hormonal imbalances, gallstones, headaches and even hiatal hernias.
And, if you are already experiencing health issues, undigested food just makes them worse because the body has to work that much harder.
So, if anti-acids cause all of these problems, what can a person do to lessen acid reflux symptoms? Surely, GERD sufferers can't be expected to sacrifice their long-term health for day-to-day comfort.
Well, thanks to advances in holistic medicine, they may not have to.
Why would holistic medicine be a better choice? Well, holistic doctors don't actually treat GERD.
They help you to increase your ability to digest your food naturally so that the flow is smoother and faster.
If that happens then food does not tend to back up or rot and symptoms get better.
These approaches have grounding in both science and philosophy...
approaches that have been used for thousands of years in other countries.
So, you can be assured that if you did decide to go in that direction, you have a good chance of getting your problems taken care of.
However, don't go off anti-acids on your own, especially if they are prescribed through a physician.
If you have acid reflux disease and you stop your medicine and decide to "tough it out" you can put your esophagus at serious risk.
Let me be very clear.
Always talk to your doctor first before taking or stopping any drug.
However, if you get help form a holistic doctor and your symptoms improve then your medical doctor may be able to change your prescription.