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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Law of Attraction - Self Forgiveness

If you are unable to forgive yourself for a wrong you feel you have committed, then you are in one of the most dis-empowering emotional cycles on the planet. You can not create a life of empowerment from this place. Discover strategies for releasing the emotional trap now by reading this article.

How to Make Real Friends

The feeling of loneliness can really make a person die inside. It's like a disease that creates a hole in the heart.

Are You Manifesting Your Goals As You Envisioned?

The first step to increase the quality of your goal achievement is to increase the quality of your inner life, so that your outer expression can be more harmonious and reflect the soul print that you bear as a gift you can give yourself and the world. This article sets forth nine tips for increasing

Let Go Of An Abusive Relationship

So where are you at in your life? Are you a 'Battered Woman'? If so, then there's something I'd like to share with you.

Energized For The Supernatural!

This is my work, and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work within me (Colossionas 1:29 TLB).You need to know that there is an ability working in you, and that ability is supernatural! It does not burn out and it does not need replenishing.

Short Sleeves Insights- Lips Of Love!

"In a boat on a fast running river, it feels like trees on the bank are rushing by. What seems to be changing around us is rather the speed of our craft leaving this world."

What You Really Have to Do to Quit Drinking

You've tried quitting drinking so many times that you can't even count anymore. You feel like you've given up. You think you should probably try it "just one more time" so friends and family think you're at least trying to quit drinking. Can you do it this time?

Work to the Best of Your Ability

Be a stand out and get noticed! Whatever you do in this life, do it to the best of your ability. Whether you are in school, running for president, playing a game, or working on something, do it in a quality way.

Group Therapy Tips

Group therapy has proven to be effective in mental health. While some counselor will start out with one on one therapy, they may finally refer the patient to group sessions.

You Have Nothing to Fear - Only Godly Fear Benefits Your Life

People are afraid of many things in the world and one of the fears that people dread is fear itself. You could be afraid that you could make the wrong decisions and lose everything you have. You are trapped in a cycle of fear that you have made little or no progress at all. You analyze everything to

The Tomorrow Factor

We must live each day as if it is our last day, therefore we should do our best at whatever we are doing. The Scriptures say, in part, that it is appointed once for man ...

Managing Stress - The First Defense To Manage Stress - Breathing

The way you breathe can cause many health problems such as chest, back pain, headaches... or it can be your first defense against stress. Learn the three common mistakes most make with every breadth and how to make your breathing healthy to manage stress.

Hypnosis - How it Can Work?

Of course, it's impossible to put everything about hypnosis into just one article. But you can't deny that you've just added to your understanding about hypnosis, and that's time well spent. How does hypnosis work? ...

The Signs and Symptoms of Stress

The following is a list of some of the most common signs and symptoms of stress. Take a good note of all of them if you suspect that you are suffering from stress. The more signs and symptoms you get to identify in yourself, the nearer you might be to what is termed as stress overload.


In life, it is an evident fact that no river flows without a given target, all great and small tributaries flow into a greater river which finally flows into the sea. This illustrates the need ...

Mind Control Tricks - Methods To Be Positive

Most people feel that mind control tricks are something magical or related to the world of Voodoo. Well, the true fact is that mind control tricks are not at all related to magic or hypnosis world. As you all know that mind is one of the most influential tools that can change all your negative think

5 Ways to Experience Greater Happiness

Do you need a boost to experience greater happiness in life? Do you feel unhappy and unfulfilled despite all the goals that you have achieved? We know that happiness is by choice and not by chance because you deserve to be happy and you can experience happiness any time you want. Below are 5 practic

Your Wedding Colors

Dreaming about your wedding is one thing; planning it is another. From wedding dresses to cakes and tuxedos to flowers - every aspect of your wedding must be carefully planned to 'fall in place' on th