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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Problem Solving and Decision Making: Personal Decision Making

Problem solving and decision-making is 2 of the most common and important things that an individual is required to do in modern day life. Your ability to successfully complete these 2 skills (on a daily basis) is a huge determinant of how successful you will be in your life and in the goals that you

The Daily Rush - Morning Revelations

Sometimes unexpected revelations hit you like a ton of bricks, but in a good way. This one reminded me of the joys of living and gave me a gift to start my day right.

At A Stop Light For No One

I observed myself in a state of minor panic today. The perception you get when you spring out of bed, confident that you are delayed for work, that emotion. It washed across me for the ...

Introduction To Psychic Reading

Psychic Reading has turned into profitable profession in today's uncertain world. Everyone is keen to achieve success in this world by spending his or her fat wallets on even 2 minutes of psychic reading by some wonder ladies.

Make Home in Your State of Appreciation

"Make home" means to immerse yourself where you find yourself. The one consistent home you have is your life; and appreciation makes it a better place to live. Here's why.

Can We Unlock the Secret of Life?

For generations, great professors, writers and musicians try to put into words what "The secret of Life" truly means. Several individuals are more successful then others but each professor, writer or musician are inclined to provide us a different sense of what the secret of life is. Thoug

The Difference Between Comfort and Success

Being comfortable is a basic human desire, but it's not a human need. At our most fundamental level, we all want to be comfortable. Being comfortable is a nice thing. But in order to survive, we don't absolutely need to be comfortable. It helps, but it isn't a requirement of survival.

Get Yourself on the Right Track

Some people know what the right track is for them. Others just do not know what they really want to do with their life; they struggle to find their real purpose. Have you wondered what your purpose is?

The Power of Empowering Questions

What questions do you ask yourself every day? Are you asking the questions that empower you? Remember how I was telling you earlier that the best way to do affirmations is to rephrase statements into questions? You mind is a huge question answering machine, it operates on questions and finding answe

How to Gain Respect and Live Responsibly

Whenever we start a new year we usually go through some review in our mind of the previous year and what we have accomplished or have yet to accomplish in our life. Setting goals, releasing negative feelings, forgiving and striving for some personal growth is always on people's minds, no matter

When Things Get Worse Before They Get Better

DOMESTIC violence is one of those situations that's difficult for a beaten down wife to extricate herself and her kids from. When she does plan to leave and finally executes the plan things often get much worse before they get better. The violent husband may attempt to follow her, and certainly

How to Make People Listen to You

Do you want people to listen and pay attention to what you say? Do you get frustrated when you talk and no one is interested in what you say?

Achieving Your Goals Is Just A Step Away

Learn how to turn your goal into reality.By taking one small, almost insignificant step at a time, you can accomplish big things.This article will show you how to set "sub goals" which will motivate you and keep you moving forward toward your final objective.

Are You Attractive?

Eight simple principles for being an attractive person. What do you do when you want to be attractive to others? Do you buy new clothes, new cosmetics, or new gifts to give away? Do you try to tell people what they want to hear? Do you bend over backwards to be nice to them?

Life Givers!

Leaders are influencers!Check out this short article on leaders - as life givers!