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Mental Health : Health & Medical

What You Need To Know About Opium Addiction Rehab

Poppy is the plant that produces seeds used for manufacturing opium. This is very addictive and it is usually consumed by eating, injecting or smoking it. In addition, the user of the drug cannot feel ...

Signs & Symptoms of Fear & Anxiety

m??tis 72 image by Nathalie P from Fotolia.comAnxiety and fear are normal responses to stressful or dangerous situations. The persistence of excessive and unwarranted anxiety and fear may indicate the presence of an anxiety disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health...

Get Out of Your Rut With a Helping of Brain Stew

"Ew, brain stew!" Sounds like something a mischievous third-grader would say. "Ew, brain stew! None for me - how 'bout for you?" When I think of a stew, I think of the rich pot of deliciousness my wife sometimes cooks up.

5 Reiki Principles - 5 Valuable Reasons For Learning Reiki Online

During the past 25 years Reiki became quite well known in the western world. Interesting enough, that a process nearly unknown in its country of origin could conquer the western realm of spiritual searching, new age healing and self-improvement in such a manner. Reiki was founded about 100 years ago

The Road to Happiness Wealth: So Much More Than Money

Everyone says that they want to be happy, and most people say they want to be wealthy. Putting the two together gives you an entirely new way of existence: happiness wealth. Happiness wealth means that you are literally wealthy with happiness. It includes everything you could ever dream of, whether

How to Help Your Social Anxiety Disorder

To fight social anxiety disorder, it's best to help your social disorder with your own willpower. If you can learn to take care of yourself, face your own problems, it helps builds more trust in yourself. Getting help with social anxiety disorder treatment from a psychologist might be needed. There'

How Do I Know I Am Suffering From Anxiety Disorder?

As humans, our bodies are designed with a mechanism that helps us act when we need to. This is called our 'fight or flight' mechanism. When faced with danger, or something frightening, our heart rate ...

Breathing Exercises For Life

Is breathing an involuntary action? Learning new breathing techniques can change your life. Breathing can release stress, release negative energy, and connect your physical body to your emotional body.

Mixed Bipolar Disorder

Mixed bipolarism is a potentially devastating mental illness that causes the afflicted person to shift dramatically in mood, thought and attitude. Unable to control his rapid or overlapping mood swings, a bipolar person may lack the stability to live a normal life, and the condition, even when treat

Cultivate Your Support System

As we move through the ups and downs of life, a good support system can bless us with friends who celebrate our triumphs and those who comfort and encourage us when we're feeling low. Cultivating a healthy support team can be one of the most important projects we ever undertake.

How to Deal With Alzheimer's Disease - Effective and Safe Natural Treatment

More than 5.3 million people in the United States are afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, affecting memory, thinking and behavior. What are the causes of Alzheimer's disease? Is it possible to get rid of it? What are some plants useful in Alzheimer&ap

Celebrity Suicide Prompts Copycats

Media reports about celebrity suicides are 14 times more likely to prompt copycat suicides than other types of stories.