Understanding Depression and mental illness
Depressive disorders have become a common problem these days. The changes in lifestyle has made the human race vulnerable to these depressive disorders. Depression is a mental disorder characterized by low self esteem, low self confidence, low state of mood and no or reduced interest in daily activities. Depression thwarts patient‘s normal routine life. Individual suffering from depression leads an isolated life and this badly affects the patient's physical and mental well being.
Schizophrenia is a depressive disorder characterized by poor emotional responsiveness and break down of thought processes. There are various indicators of Schizophrenia such as hallucinations, delusions, paranoid and disorganized thinking and speech. Schizophrenia leads to social dysfunction of the person. This mental disorder badly affects the individual and may even lead to problems such as occupational dysfunction. There are various contributors to this mental disorder. These include early development, malnutrition and stress in mother during development of fetus. Bipolar disorder is another depressive disorder associated with mood disorders, acute maniac episodes and depressive disorders. Symptoms of bipolar disorder are different due to its characteristic depressive episodes and manic episodes. Depressive episode's symptoms are sadness, anxiety, low state of mood and sleep changes. In manic episode the patient suffer from excited state of mind which is manifested by euphoria and excessive exuberance.
These depressive disorders badly affect the individual's mental and physical well being leading to dire consequences such as lack of judgment, withdrawal from society and lack of motivation. One should not leave these mental disorders untreated. Proper medication is the vital aspect of the treatment. SEROQUEL 150 mg is one such drug used for the treatment of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other mental disorders. QUETIAPINE is the generic name of SEROQUEL. The medicine is also used to treat other disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, obsessive compulsory disorder, borderline personality disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. Always consult your doctor before using the medicine for the treatment of any mental disorder.
Talk to your doctor if you are suffering from any symptoms of mental disorder. These depressive disorders do not let you live the life the way it is meant to be lived. Proper medication is the prerequisite aspect of the recovery. You can easily buy SEROQUEL 150mg from Canadian online pharmacy. Use the medicine as recommended by your doctor. Seek immediate medical help if you experience any symptoms of medicinal side effects such as tremors, confusion, blurred vision, weakness, nausea, vomiting and sweating.
Depressive disorders have become a common problem these days. The changes in lifestyle has made the human race vulnerable to these depressive disorders. Depression is a mental disorder characterized by low self esteem, low self confidence, low state of mood and no or reduced interest in daily activities. Depression thwarts patient‘s normal routine life. Individual suffering from depression leads an isolated life and this badly affects the patient's physical and mental well being.
Schizophrenia is a depressive disorder characterized by poor emotional responsiveness and break down of thought processes. There are various indicators of Schizophrenia such as hallucinations, delusions, paranoid and disorganized thinking and speech. Schizophrenia leads to social dysfunction of the person. This mental disorder badly affects the individual and may even lead to problems such as occupational dysfunction. There are various contributors to this mental disorder. These include early development, malnutrition and stress in mother during development of fetus. Bipolar disorder is another depressive disorder associated with mood disorders, acute maniac episodes and depressive disorders. Symptoms of bipolar disorder are different due to its characteristic depressive episodes and manic episodes. Depressive episode's symptoms are sadness, anxiety, low state of mood and sleep changes. In manic episode the patient suffer from excited state of mind which is manifested by euphoria and excessive exuberance.
These depressive disorders badly affect the individual's mental and physical well being leading to dire consequences such as lack of judgment, withdrawal from society and lack of motivation. One should not leave these mental disorders untreated. Proper medication is the vital aspect of the treatment. SEROQUEL 150 mg is one such drug used for the treatment of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other mental disorders. QUETIAPINE is the generic name of SEROQUEL. The medicine is also used to treat other disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, obsessive compulsory disorder, borderline personality disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. Always consult your doctor before using the medicine for the treatment of any mental disorder.
Talk to your doctor if you are suffering from any symptoms of mental disorder. These depressive disorders do not let you live the life the way it is meant to be lived. Proper medication is the prerequisite aspect of the recovery. You can easily buy SEROQUEL 150mg from Canadian online pharmacy. Use the medicine as recommended by your doctor. Seek immediate medical help if you experience any symptoms of medicinal side effects such as tremors, confusion, blurred vision, weakness, nausea, vomiting and sweating.