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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

Options For Tanning During Pregnancy

Whether you are pregnant or not, sun exposure is risky for premature aging and melanoma (skin cancer). Information in the following paragraphs will help you come up with a plan for tanning in a bed, on the beach, or with the bottle. In a Bed: No studies provide key evidence that tanning beds hurt th

Looking Your Best While Pregnant

Good skin care practices can help women avoid acne pregnancy problems. Of all of the things pregnant women try to anticipate, the changes in their skin are not one of them. It's easy to plan for weight gain, or even strange appetites, but skin care is a little different. It is especially unexpe

Are You Pregnant? The Guide to Knowing for Sure

The signs to determine whether you're pregnant or not actually vary from person to person. Sure, pregnancy tests are amazing things but we can't rely only on them as they sometimes give false pregnancy results. This article will walk you through and explain what type of signs to look when

The Menstrual Cycle - Get Pregnant With Savvy

Many times, couples fail to get pregnant simply because they don't understand the timing involved in the precise, delicate process of making a baby. Our training to always use protection if we want to ward of pregnancy leads to a misconception that a woman is capable of getting pregnant at any

Who Determines the Sex of a Baby?

I have a couple of blogs that support parents who are trying to chose their baby's gender.One of the more common questions that I am asked "what determines the sex of the baby," or "does the father or the mother determine the baby's sex or gender?"I will answer these qu

Paternity Tests FAQ

Because reported through surveys, greater than 200, 000 paternity tests happen to be performed every year inside Usa. DNA paternity analyze is most likely probably the most admissible evidences within

Infertility Problems and Possible Solutions

Children are a wonderful gift from God. They are a blessing which cannot be replaced - children bring joy, laughter and peace into the family. Without a child a couple sometimes does not have anything to talk about and life feels empty. The child cements the relationship not only for the two, but yo

How To Use A Chinese Conception Calendar To Determine Gender Of Baby

Chinese Conception Chart: where it originated, what is it used for, fact or fiction, how to use it, etc. When I was pregnant, one of the most common questions everyone asked me was whether I knew if I was having a boy or a girl. It drove me crazy for months as whenever I asked my gynecologist to che

Prince or Princess Guide Book by Alicia Pennington Review - What's Inside?

The Prince or Princess Guide written by midwife Alicia Pennington is a comprehensive guide to natural baby gender selection. Thousands of women worldwide, of all ages and nationalities, have followed the 100% natural gender swaying techniques covered in this guide to successfully conceive the baby b

When Should You Take a Home Pregnancy Test?

Home pregnancy tests have improved tremendously since they first came on the market. Now women can have results much sooner than before, which allows them to begin proper prenatal care earlier if they do find out they are pregnant. If you suspect you may be pregnant, you will want to find out for su

Using Breast Feeding Pumps

One of the more important items on a mother's agenda is breastfeeding her baby. Breastfeeding is a very important event for the baby and the mother. By breastfeeding your baby, you can make sure that

Labor and Delivery-Topic Overview

What is labor and delivery?Labor and delivery is the process of childbirth. Like pregnancy, labor and delivery follows a typical sequence. However, your labor and delivery is likely to be different from any other woman's. Similarly, if you have given birth before, your next childbirth may be com

The Importance of Fish Oil for Fetal Brain Development

Never before has one natural substance been proven to have such an impact on fetal brain development as a daily omega-3 fish oil supplement, with even the European Union recommending at least 200mg of

Get Pregnant Quickly While Reversing Infertility Permanently

Like many young newlyweds, we did not plan to get children first. Climbing the carrier ladder and such were the highest priority. But after some years, my husband ad me were ready and started towards our highest goal - getting a beautiful baby for our beautiful family.

Emergency Contraception

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of Emergency Contraception including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.