Programs That Teach Children of Divorce Coping Skills Have Long-Lasting Results
Programs That Teach Children of Divorce Coping Skills Have Long-Lasting Results
6-Year Study Shows Preventative Intervention Programs Are Effective in Children
"There are skills we know from research that are protective factors related to children's resilience and healthy adjustment following divorce," she tells WebMD. "I think this study shows what a powerful role a well-designed preventative intervention can have on reducing the negative effects of divorce -- both in the short and long term. It provides really compelling evidence that those negative outcomes of divorce that we hear about so not inevitable. They can be reduced, or even prevented." -->
Divorce 'Coping Skills' Long-Lasting
6-Year Study Shows Preventative Intervention Programs Are Effective in Children
"There are skills we know from research that are protective factors related to children's resilience and healthy adjustment following divorce," she tells WebMD. "I think this study shows what a powerful role a well-designed preventative intervention can have on reducing the negative effects of divorce -- both in the short and long term. It provides really compelling evidence that those negative outcomes of divorce that we hear about so not inevitable. They can be reduced, or even prevented." -->