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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

An Easy Way To Stop Smoking - Does It Exist?

Is there an easy way to stop smoking? It's a loaded question because every person has their own specific triggers and motivations. Find out why one stop smoking program does not work for all smokers.

Acne Cleanser for Pore Treatment

While you can't cure every skin ailment with a cleanser you can certainly aggravate your skin condition. Acne is one skin condition that can be worsened by a cleanser when it leaves a residue on ...

A Study of Step 9

Making amends may seem like a bitter pill to swallow, but for those serious about recovery it can be good medicine for the spirit and soul.

Stop Smoking Programs - The Keystone For Successfully Quitting Once and For All

When I decided it was my turn to leave cigarettes in the past, I found that it required various types of support and help. One such tool people can use to improve their chances of success are stop smoking programs. These are designed to offer the necessary support, education, and resources necessary

How to Cure Your Smoking Addiction - How I Did It

If you want to know how to cure your smoking addiction then please read on - what I'm about to tell you could change your life.You see, I used to be a smoker myself, over 8 years ago. I hope you can learn from how I cured my own smoking addiction.

What to Do When Trying to Quit Smoking Doesn't Work

If you or someone you love is a smoker then it's likely that quitting smoking is the single most important step to improve health and vitality, not to mention avoid serious illness. This knowledge alone, however is often not enough to break the cycle of addiction. In this article we explore the


Definition of Addiction from the Alcoholism Glossary.

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Secondhand Smoke

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of secondhand smoke including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Ending Heroin Addiction Depends on Drug Addiction Treatment Center Funding

If heroin addicts don't have access to a long-term residential drug addiction treatment center they sometimes turn to solutions that simply reduce the potential harm caused by the addiction. Safe injections sites are a prime example. Insite, the first safe injection site in North America, is no

The Benefits of Inpatient Drug Rehab

Many individuals wonder about the benefits of inpatient drug rehab. The positive aspects of this type of treatment program are numerous. Individuals that choose this type of treatment usually have a higher success rate of sober living.