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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

The Spread of Drug Rehabilitation Centers

Drug Rehabilitation centers are places of cure and treatment. They are also centers of education and learning. Bringing awareness in the society has become their main motive. The spread of such information is done by conducting many social activities and service programs.

Smoking Health Risks - They Are More Real Then You May Believe

To maintain good health you need to follow a proper diet, exercise regularly and life a good life style. A good lifestyle does not necessarily mean living the rich life. As far as your health is concerned, living the good life means maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Private Drug Rehab - 3 Benefits to You

While there are examples to the contrary, in general, you'll find that private drug rehab will offer far more benefits to you than public drug rehab. For example, you might find that the very best public hospital may offer a better program than a mediocre private drug rehab facility. But for th

Gail Quit Smoking 11 Months Ago

"It is absolutely amazing how your whole outlook on life changes when you quit smoking. Your self-esteem gets so much better and you want to take those feelings and do other healthier things for yourself."

Why Does Cutting Down on Smoking Never Work?

One of the most common ways that people try to quit smoking is to 'cut down' gradually. What this means is that from smoking 20 cigarettes a day, they might smoke 15 instead, and then a week later maybe 10, and then 5, and so on. Different people tend to develop different schedules for &ap

Passive Smoking and Children

Passive smoking has the same effects on its innocent victims as it does on those who actually smoke. It increases their risk of heart disease by 25% and risk of lung cancer by 24%.

4 Questions and 4 Easy Steps to Quit Smoking

One of the most common New Year resolutions is 'to quit smoking'. Every day hundreds of people decide to quit smoking forever but hardly two percent of them would be successful. It is not that people do not understand the ill effects of smoking, but they fail to quit it.

Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking

Smoking can hook you because cigarettes contain nicotine which is highly addictive. But being hooked is not an excuse why you cannot quit smoking. Smoking has been proven by several researches to be great threat to one's health, that is why there is no reason why one who is already hooked to it

Things to Avoid While Quitting Smoking

After reading and hearing a lot about smoking endangers and looking at those awful “quit smoking” ads, we all at some point develop a natural urge to stop this nicotine salvation forever. Many of us j

Quit Smoking and Quit your Fear

Quitting smoking will be successful if you decide to resolve, dedicate and pay attention to the number one problem you have as a smoker-your fear that you will fail. It is clear to you that ...

How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes - 4 Unbeatable Tricks

Are you addicted to the death stick? The present day world does not suffer as much from genocidal wars or global warming or even the food shortage as much as it suffers from the vice of smoking. For, which other vice can silently kill over millions of people each year and still have people hankering

Can You Get Addicted to Your Prescription Medications?

Some people will become dependent on these prescription drugs because they are trying to self-medicate. It could be that someone is having difficulty at school, is trying to fit in with the popular crowd or they are trying to hide from their depression.

Smoking Health Problems - Reasons to Quit

The problems associated with smoking cigarettes or other tobacco related products are many and deadly. Sometimes it baffles me why people smoke at all. According to health experts tobacco use is one of the main risk factors for a number of chronic diseases including...

Many Reasons to Quit Smoking

Smokers actually know and fully understand that smoking is bad for their health. They are also fully aware of the fact that smoking brings many negative effects to both smokers and people around them. If you are serious about quitting smoking, knowing reasons to quit smoking can seriously help you w