How to Decide Between Inpatient Drug Rehab and Outpatient Drug Rehab
Inpatient drug rehab versus outpatient drug rehab is usually one of the first questions addicted individuals and their loved ones come across when trying to decide the best treatment plan for them. Other than the obvious fact that one is residential and one is not, what are the real differences between the two? Is one better than the other? Does one cost more than the other? These are all important questions that need to be thoughtfully examined and answered, along with the most important question of all, which is which treatment facility will give my loved one the best chance at recovering from their addiction.
Inpatient Drug Rehab
Inpatient drug rehab is always recommended for someone afflicted with an active addiction. While it does typically cost more than outpatient treatment, residential treatment provides that 24 hours a day supervision and structure that most individuals struggling to get off of drugs require. In addition to the supervision and structure, inpatient drug rehab provides that incredibly important change of environment and separation from the people and places you used to abuse drugs. The hardest thing about an addiction is being able to say no when faced with your vice. At the early stages of treatment and recovery, most people just cannot. It's simply too difficult as they don't have the tools to do so. Inpatient drug rehab provides you with a buffer, a safe zone of sorts where you don't have to worry about running into that situation. You're free to focus on yourself and get to the crux of your issues that prompted your drug use in the first place. Most programs last 30, 60, or 90 days depending on an individual's needs. Inpatient drug rehab can be a very beneficial lead in to outpatient drug rehab.
Outpatient Drug Rehab
Outpatient drug rehab is best for people who are a little bit further along in their recovery. It's wonderful for individuals who don't need all of the structure of residential treatment, but still do require a certain level of support and guidance to maintain their sobriety. Outpatient drug rehab can be an invaluable tool when learning how to re-assimilate back into your pre-treatment life where you live on your own and go to work. Newfound freedoms at night and possibly seeing people you used to use with at work can be very challenging for recovering addicts. Outpatient treatment focuses mostly on relapse prevention as well as coping skills to deal with those temptations or high-risk situations when they arise. Quality outpatient drug rehab should also place a decent amount of focus on addiction education because the more you know about the disease in general, the better you are equipped to handle it.
Inpatient Drug Rehab
Inpatient drug rehab is always recommended for someone afflicted with an active addiction. While it does typically cost more than outpatient treatment, residential treatment provides that 24 hours a day supervision and structure that most individuals struggling to get off of drugs require. In addition to the supervision and structure, inpatient drug rehab provides that incredibly important change of environment and separation from the people and places you used to abuse drugs. The hardest thing about an addiction is being able to say no when faced with your vice. At the early stages of treatment and recovery, most people just cannot. It's simply too difficult as they don't have the tools to do so. Inpatient drug rehab provides you with a buffer, a safe zone of sorts where you don't have to worry about running into that situation. You're free to focus on yourself and get to the crux of your issues that prompted your drug use in the first place. Most programs last 30, 60, or 90 days depending on an individual's needs. Inpatient drug rehab can be a very beneficial lead in to outpatient drug rehab.
Outpatient Drug Rehab
Outpatient drug rehab is best for people who are a little bit further along in their recovery. It's wonderful for individuals who don't need all of the structure of residential treatment, but still do require a certain level of support and guidance to maintain their sobriety. Outpatient drug rehab can be an invaluable tool when learning how to re-assimilate back into your pre-treatment life where you live on your own and go to work. Newfound freedoms at night and possibly seeing people you used to use with at work can be very challenging for recovering addicts. Outpatient treatment focuses mostly on relapse prevention as well as coping skills to deal with those temptations or high-risk situations when they arise. Quality outpatient drug rehab should also place a decent amount of focus on addiction education because the more you know about the disease in general, the better you are equipped to handle it.