What is Alpha-Carotene?
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Updated August 06, 2015.
Definition: Alpha-carotene is a carotenoid that's found in colorful fruits and vegetables, especially in those that are orange and red.
Alpha-carotene, like beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, is a precursor of vitamin A; your body converts it to a form of vitamin A called retinol.
While all three carotenoids can be converted, your body is most efficient at converting beta-carotene to vitamin A.
There is some evidence that alpha-carotene may also work as an antioxidant to prevent cellular damage from free radicals.
Updated August 06, 2015.
Definition: Alpha-carotene is a carotenoid that's found in colorful fruits and vegetables, especially in those that are orange and red.
Alpha-carotene, like beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, is a precursor of vitamin A; your body converts it to a form of vitamin A called retinol.
While all three carotenoids can be converted, your body is most efficient at converting beta-carotene to vitamin A.
There is some evidence that alpha-carotene may also work as an antioxidant to prevent cellular damage from free radicals.
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