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Top 5 Tips For Content Two Year Olds

Here are some ideas to help you to enter a two year old's world and see things through their eyes.
Now that I am two years old, I can do so much more on my own.
I am beginning to know my own mind and people say I can be very determined.
I can tell people things like naming my toys or asking for things but I can't explain how I am feeling.
I am learning to communicate but there is still a long way to go.
When I tell you what I want I'm not very good at waiting.
I do expect you to listen and deliver my requests quickly.
I suppose I am a bit impatient.
Because I am only little, you are able to say no to me a lot.
I really don't like that, and sometimes it all gets to much for me.
My dad says my temper tantrums remind him of a prize fighter.
I don't give in easily.
It is like I see red and nothing can stop me.
Actually I don't like being cross and upset.
It makes me tired and all that stress upsets my appetite and makes it hard to sleep.
If I get cross a lot them I am often up late at night and can't settle.
That makes me grumpier still the next day.
What I really like best is to spend a day with a nice routine so that that I know what to expect.
When mum or dad is in a hurry, they try to rush me and we all go to pieces.
My granny says 'it was a lot easier when mummy was little because life was a lot slower'.
Now there is so much to do and so I get over excited.
I go to nursery when mummy is at work.
I like my new nursery because it is small and I know people.
My old one was scary because there were lots of children and so many different grown ups who came and went on different days.
All the children cried a lot and it was very noisy.
Now that I can talk, I love to spend my time with just one person.
It doesn't matter what we do, I am as happy helping out at home as I am going to the park.
My mum says it takes twice as long when I help but I love it.
I like to see other children too, but they just won't share.
I see something I want and they try to keep it which makes me cross.
I did go through a stage of biting and hitting to get my favourite toys but mum moved me away on my own and made sure I had someone grown up to play with.
I can walk a lot further now and sometimes I get excited and run after something I have seen.
That really scares everyone but I hate being in the buggy unless I am tired.
My granny says the answer is not to go too far and to let me run around somewhere that's safe like her garden.
We visit family and friends a lot because I embarrass mum sometimes if we are somewhere new when I get cross.
My granny says this won't last for ever and my mum said 'I should hope so too'.
I like big kids too.
I like to watch them and try to join in their games when they let me.
My big sister is OK but her friends get fed up with me.
If people want to make my life really nice for me, here are my top 5 things to do: 1.
Keep my life simple and not too busy.
I do like a routine, it helps me understand.
Help me not to get cross by distracting me when I begin to get wound up.
I soon forget.
Talk to me and let me help you.
I love doing that.
Don't give me too many toys at once because I get confused.
One or two to choose from is best and even better if we play together.
Remember I like other children but don't know how to be friends and share.
Don't leave me alone too long with other kids or it will all go wrong.
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