Grants for Food for Homeless Children
- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services funds the Community Services Block Grant. This program disburses grants to institutions serving meals to children residing in emergency shelters and attending after-school programs. Institutions are reimbursed for two meals and one snack for children up to age 12 and migrant children up to age 15. The program may also reimburse after-school care programs for an additional meal per child in some states.
- A grant program sponsored by the USDA provides meals for homeless children during the summer as well. The Summer Food Service Program for Children awards grants to institutions serving meals in areas where at least 50 percent of children 18 years of age and younger qualify for free or reduced school lunches. The program serves meals from May to September but can also serve food during September to May if schools are out because of emergency situation such as natural disasters. Service institutions are reimbursed for one meal and one snack or two meals per child per day from the grant program.
- Another grant program providing food for homeless children is the Emergency Food Assistance Program. Funded by the USDA, grants are awarded to state agencies for disbursement to local organizations distributing food to low-income families in distress or emergency situations. Food is provided for household consumption or for in community settings such as soup kitchens.
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, sponsors the Emergency Food And Shelter Program. Grants are awarded to private and governmental social service organizations across the United States. These organizations provide food and shelter to homeless and hungry children and families in need of emergency assistance. Supportive services are also covered under this grant program.
Child and Adult Care Food Program
Summer Food Service Program for Children
Emergency Food Assistance Program
Emergency Food and Shelter Program