How to Get the Princess Suit in FusionFall
- 1). Go to Hero Square in the fifth sector and speak to Jibba Jabba, a minion of Mojo Jojo, to begin the "Kids Wanted" quest. This task is a timed game.
- 2). Travel to Pokey Oaks Junior High and find a beacon in the middle of the Infected Zone.
- 3). Return to Jibba Jabba where you first met him in the allotted time to complete the task and receive the visor, the first piece of the princess suit of armor. It resembles a crown.
- 1). Speak to Jibba Jabba to receive the next task from Mojo Jojo. He will tell you that you need to fix the posters around Sector Five.
- 2). Travel to the Kids Next Door, or KND, treehouse in Sector Five and look for the posters. There are three.
- 3). Reinforce each poster with tape from your inventory.
- 4). Return to Jibba Jabba and speak to him to receive the Morbucks Boots.
- 1). Speak to Jibba Jabba to receive your next mission. He will tell you to retrieve a map from a pirate.
- 2). Travel to the pirate village in Candy Cove and speak to a man named Stickybeard.
- 3). Follow Stickybeard's instructions on where to find the map in the Sweet Revenge area.
- 4). Give the map to a man named Father, who will be waiting in the Peach Creek Community, as per Jibba Jabba's instructions.
- 5). Go back and speak to Jibba Jabba to gain the Morbucks Legs, a sleek pair of armored pants.
- 1). Speak to Father where you last found him at Peach Creek Commons. Father will give you the next two tasks from Mojo Jojo that will allow you to gain the final two pieces of armor. The first is the "Him and Me" quest.
- 2). Travel to Pokey Oaks North, where you will find the creatures called Mean Behemoths.
- 3). Kill the Mean Behemoths. You will find an item called "Him's moisturizer." Mojo Jojo wants a character named Him to join his team.
- 4). Give the moisturizer to Father. He will give you the Morbucks Wings in return. The wings will come out of the back of your armor when needed and allow you to fly.
- 1). Speak to Father once more to begin the last task for the Morbucks Armor, which is called "Under Development."
- 2). Search the Peach Creek Commons housing development for creatures call Newspaper Ninjas.
- 3). Defeat the Newspaper Ninjas when you find them. They will leave an item behind called "Blueprints."
- 4). Take the blueprints to Father and he will give you the final piece of armor, the Morbucks Torso. This piece of armor covers the chest and back.
Morbucks Visor
Morbucks Boots
Morbucks Legs
Morbucks Wings
Morbucks Torso