How to Start to Help Teach Your Child to Read
There is an art to teaching your child to read.
You need a combination of patience, encouragement and intelligence as well as a good grasp of the concepts involved in teaching phonics, using sight words and finding a method that engages your children without overwhelming them.
In order to be a good teacher or a helper of the schoolteacher, you need to be able to keep a variety in the lessons that you give to the child and this needs to be done in preschoolers, kindergarten or nursery school teaching and beyond.
I hope that you are one of the parents that realizes and recognizes the huge amounts of help that can be found both on and offline in their efforts to help teach your child to read.
Preschool The job in preschool is "phonemic awareness" to start making your child aware of the differences between sounds.
Just by listening to a plane flying overhead you can ask your child what it is.
To you it seems natural to know what that sound is but a child might not yet have made that connection.
Cars, lorries and helicopters make different sounds and when your child can recognize these sounds then they may be ready to start differentiating between sounds in words.
They may also not yet know the cause and effect principle and until you teach them that hitting a fence with a stick results in a noise like a drum they might not appreciate it.
Once you tell them they will not forget.
A good guide to see if your child is ready is to do the What does "Word" start with game.
For example if your child is called David you can ask, What does David start with emphasizing the first D sound in David.
Children love doing this for a few minutes a day.
Reading Letters The recognition of letters and sounds of those letters is a similar process.
The child needs to recognise the letter visually to be able to guess at the pronunciation.
Once that recognition is achieved then your child is ready to move onto combining letters.
There are many online resources to give you phonics games, phonics activities and sight word lists that you can use to help you to teach your child to read.
Check out the resource box at the bottom of this article for links to many places where you can find great activities to do with your child.
Sight Words Lists Once your child can recognize quite a few letters you start confusing him or her by adding in sight words! Sight words are words that are not pronounced phonetically.
Therefore they need to be learned on sight rather than by using the individual letter sounds to spell them out.
There are many sight words lists available online and off and they are an essential part of any program that helps to teach your child to read.
All of these methods for helping to teach children reading can be combined and enjoyed by both parent and child.
Applying these teachings along with the resources you can find on and offline so as to give your child a richer learning experience is an excellent way of moving forward in your plan for teaching children reading.
You need a combination of patience, encouragement and intelligence as well as a good grasp of the concepts involved in teaching phonics, using sight words and finding a method that engages your children without overwhelming them.
In order to be a good teacher or a helper of the schoolteacher, you need to be able to keep a variety in the lessons that you give to the child and this needs to be done in preschoolers, kindergarten or nursery school teaching and beyond.
I hope that you are one of the parents that realizes and recognizes the huge amounts of help that can be found both on and offline in their efforts to help teach your child to read.
Preschool The job in preschool is "phonemic awareness" to start making your child aware of the differences between sounds.
Just by listening to a plane flying overhead you can ask your child what it is.
To you it seems natural to know what that sound is but a child might not yet have made that connection.
Cars, lorries and helicopters make different sounds and when your child can recognize these sounds then they may be ready to start differentiating between sounds in words.
They may also not yet know the cause and effect principle and until you teach them that hitting a fence with a stick results in a noise like a drum they might not appreciate it.
Once you tell them they will not forget.
A good guide to see if your child is ready is to do the What does "Word" start with game.
For example if your child is called David you can ask, What does David start with emphasizing the first D sound in David.
Children love doing this for a few minutes a day.
Reading Letters The recognition of letters and sounds of those letters is a similar process.
The child needs to recognise the letter visually to be able to guess at the pronunciation.
Once that recognition is achieved then your child is ready to move onto combining letters.
There are many online resources to give you phonics games, phonics activities and sight word lists that you can use to help you to teach your child to read.
Check out the resource box at the bottom of this article for links to many places where you can find great activities to do with your child.
Sight Words Lists Once your child can recognize quite a few letters you start confusing him or her by adding in sight words! Sight words are words that are not pronounced phonetically.
Therefore they need to be learned on sight rather than by using the individual letter sounds to spell them out.
There are many sight words lists available online and off and they are an essential part of any program that helps to teach your child to read.
All of these methods for helping to teach children reading can be combined and enjoyed by both parent and child.
Applying these teachings along with the resources you can find on and offline so as to give your child a richer learning experience is an excellent way of moving forward in your plan for teaching children reading.