Soap: What"s Really In It
The answer...
who knows! Manufacturers are not required to list all the ingredients found in their products.
One of the areas this is most commonly found is fragrance.
Some companies keep their fragrance a closely guarded secret.
So guarded in fact, that the FDA doesn't even know what ingredients are being use.
These components may be chemical, synthetic, or natural fragrances.
But, since there is no requirement to disclose what their fragrance is comprised of, we are just supposed to trust that the manufacturer has our best interests at heart.
Why wouldn't we trust them? Could it be because some are still using Parabens? This is the same chemical that was found in the tumors removed from breast cancer patients in a 2004 English study.
Or is it that they continue to use Benzyl Alcohol, which is a known neurotoxin in humans? A new product approved by the FDA uses Benzyl Alcohol to kill head lice.
The FDA has found that it is an irritant and that it depresses the respiratory system.
Yet, companies still use Benzyl Alcohol in their products.
True, it is used in small doses.
However, it is found in multiple products which means you are getting multiple "small" doses, which add up to a large dose.
Why risk the dangers posed by these ingredients when they are unnecessary? Many products avoid these ingredients and still work as good if not better than their hazardous counterparts.
So who can you trust? The answer is simple...
Research the products you are currently using.
For most this will probably result in a full trash can.
Then purchase products that only use safe, natural, and (better yet) organic ingredients.
There are good manufacturers out there you just have to look for them.
Don't put your health in the hands of big business, they are only concerned with fattening their wallets.
Take your power back, and make informed choices.
Together we can live naturally beautiful lives...
who knows! Manufacturers are not required to list all the ingredients found in their products.
One of the areas this is most commonly found is fragrance.
Some companies keep their fragrance a closely guarded secret.
So guarded in fact, that the FDA doesn't even know what ingredients are being use.
These components may be chemical, synthetic, or natural fragrances.
But, since there is no requirement to disclose what their fragrance is comprised of, we are just supposed to trust that the manufacturer has our best interests at heart.
Why wouldn't we trust them? Could it be because some are still using Parabens? This is the same chemical that was found in the tumors removed from breast cancer patients in a 2004 English study.
Or is it that they continue to use Benzyl Alcohol, which is a known neurotoxin in humans? A new product approved by the FDA uses Benzyl Alcohol to kill head lice.
The FDA has found that it is an irritant and that it depresses the respiratory system.
Yet, companies still use Benzyl Alcohol in their products.
True, it is used in small doses.
However, it is found in multiple products which means you are getting multiple "small" doses, which add up to a large dose.
Why risk the dangers posed by these ingredients when they are unnecessary? Many products avoid these ingredients and still work as good if not better than their hazardous counterparts.
So who can you trust? The answer is simple...
Research the products you are currently using.
For most this will probably result in a full trash can.
Then purchase products that only use safe, natural, and (better yet) organic ingredients.
There are good manufacturers out there you just have to look for them.
Don't put your health in the hands of big business, they are only concerned with fattening their wallets.
Take your power back, and make informed choices.
Together we can live naturally beautiful lives...