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Women's Health : Health & Medical
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge - Leucorrhoea
This vaginal discharge [known medically as Leucorrhoea], which is a disease of the reproductive system in women, is whitish in color [layman's term for this condition is 'the whites'] and may continue for long periods of time. If not treated on the onset this problem could become chro
Vaginal Bacterial Vaginosis - Symptoms and Treatment For Fast BV Relief
Vaginal bacterial vaginosis - abbreviated BV - is an infection in the vagina. It is caused by anaerobic bacteria that multiply and causes infection. There are many women who suffer with recurring BV infections and they can't seem to get rid of the bacteria.
Fertility Issues in Women With Diabetes
Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 should be considered in the differential diagnosis of menstrual abnormalities and infertility.
Tourmaline October' s Gemstone Of A Hundred Hues
Tourmaline is a semi-precious gemstone frequently incorporated into some of the most modern, beautiful handmade jewelry in the world. It is found in a wide selection of colors and shades, and is widely recognized as the October birthstone as well as the zodiac sign of Leo and the 8th anniversary gem
Natural Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis - 2 Simple Remedies to Cure It
It may be embarrassing for girls having issues with bacterial vagina. This is really common in the vaginal area because there is so much natural growing bacteria, though that doesn't change your level of embarrassment when it comes to speaking with your doc. Here are easy natural remedies for B
How to lose Weight – What is the idea of society regarding this
There are some topics that we are always faced with in the society and that is of course the losing weight topic. We are faced with this every day and that is why most people want to lose weight.
Women Over 40 and Menopause
"I am out of estrogen and I have a gun".It may be a joke but it's not funny for women who are suffering with menopause.The strong, out of control feelings are indescribable.
A Natural Cure Worked for My Yeast Infections
More and more people are accepting homeopathic medicine as more individuals give testimony to their success with alternative treatments. I find myself looking for natural treatments to avoid the possible side effects of pharmaceutical choices.
Three Benefits of Mineral Makeup
A variety of different mineral makeup products are on the market because women are realizing the many benefits of such products. Major benefits of wearing makeup made from minerals include: lessening or eliminating the problems for users who have sensitive skin; providing an additional layer of sun
Natural Ways to Enhance Libido in Women
Low libido is a common problem that a lot of women suffer with. However, it is possible to enhance female libido naturally so that you and your partner can enjoy sex once again. Natural libido supplements can go a long way in enhancing sex drive in women. Such supplements can also help resolve other
Fitness Inspiration
A journal allows you track where you started and gives perspective on progress, what's working, what's not and keeps you on track to meeting your goals.Many studies have indicated th
Who Is Afraid Of The Big Bad Menopause?
Although menopause is the end of a woman's child-bearing years, it is not the end of youth or sex appeal. If the body is kept in good shape through proper nutrition and exercise, menopause, also called midlife crisis, does not have to present as such. Hormonal balance can easily be achieved thr
What California Fertility Clinic To Choose?
Nearly 7 million couples in the United States are affected by infertility and approximately 12 percent of these are couples trying to start a family. Infertility affects both male and female.
Can Acupuncture Help Control Menopause Symptoms
Can acupuncture help relieve the symptoms of Menopause? Yes, it can. It has been proven to relieve symptoms of hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, stress, and anxiety.
Yeast Infection Cure Options
The good news is that there are a few good home remedies that can really help you relieve that itching sensation and help you to at least forget about the yeast infection for a short while. So, withou
Fitness Exercises for Expectant Mothers
Some people believe that pregnancy and exercise are absolutely incompatible. But any expert will tell you that moderate exercise will not only improve the overall body tone, and will raise the future mother spirits, but also help in the future at birth - of course, unless there are serious contraind
How to Cure Fibroids Naturally Without Drugs
If you would like to know how to cure fibroids naturally, you will be pleased to learn that there are a range of strategies you can adopt which will help to shrink and cure the condition. Many women will have fibroids, although a large proportion will go undiagnosed as they cause no side effects. Fo
Top 5 Summer Makeup Tips
Summer is in! It's time to go out in the sun and hang out with friends, frolic in the sand, play some beach ball game, and put on that bikini you bought on sale last month. It's really the best time to have some fun outside the confinement of your home.
The Causes Of A Yeast Infection
The prevalence of yeast infections is quite high among women. The biggest mistake that women make when they get a yeast infection, and especially if they get recurring infections, is they start on a treatment before determining the cause of their problem.
Advantages of Aluminum Make Up Cases
What are the advantages of using aluminum make up cases? Find out in this article.