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Women's Health : Health & Medical
Fibroids Symptoms - How I Shrank My Uterine Fibroids
Being diagnosed with fibroids, it took its toll and having to also deal with the loss of blood being anemic and also having to be prepared for clots which were coming through my body thick and fast! I didn't know what to do.
How Premature Menopause Changes You
It is not uncommon for some women to start noticing symptoms of menopause in their 30s, and this early start, because unexpected, can at times produce feelings of anxiousness and/or depression. The first question many women have is "How will premature menopause affect me?"
Tips for caring Health during pregnancy
Health during pregnancy is the key to make your next 40 weeks more enjoyable and healthy. Learn more about the Health during pregnancy at pregnancy diva.
Smartness Tips in Urdu for women
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How to Fit in Exercise During the Holidays
The busy holiday season leaves little time to focus on fitness. Taking it one step at a time and incorporating small amounts of exercise into each day will help you to maintain your fitness level and combat holiday weight gain.
Clip In Hair Extensions For Instant Long Hair
For a long time if you wanted long hair you only had a few options. You could wear a wig (usually ugly), have extensions woven in by a professional (expensive), or you could grow it yourself, which took a long time. But with the advent of clip in hair extensions and woman can have beautiful long hai
Pepper Spray, Stun Guns and the Future
Let's face it the world is an ugly place but what can we do about it? I don't want to be a defeatist however I do want to be a realist. The plain fact of the matter is how are you protecting yourself and the ones that you love? You can vote, you can complain, you can jump up and down until
Candle Gift Baskets Send Warmth
When looking for a great gift idea for a woman, a candle gift basket is a great way to surprise her and extend your best wishes. Candles send warmth, a feeling of coziness, and a sense of home and peacefulness. Candle gift baskets are more readily available in stores for women, as it is women that a
Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis Support Forums - How to Deal with Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis and Gain G
The term bacterial vaginosis denotes a condition (osis) of the vagina (vagino) caused by the proliferation of bacterial species which are not otherwise present in the reproductive tract or if present,
Looking Younger Gets Simpler
As minimally invasive facial rejuvenation procedures become more widely available, more men and women are skipping traditional facelifts. But do these simpler procedures really make enough of a difference?
Naturally Decrease Your Breast Size
Bigger bust size is not always an advantage because it is accompanied by many discomforts. Women carrying heavy huge breasts are complaining about neck, shoulder and back pain. It can lead to posture and spinal problems. The shoulder is also deeply burdened resulting to deep grooves from brassier st
Are You Being Typecasted?
Examine the roles you are playing for others. The roles that are based on expectations of those around us. If they don't work for you, try new ones. Eventually you will be a genuine person, and in turn will attract genuine people.
Top 5 Best Beauty Videos for YouTube
There are common, popular and favourite videos within the YouTube beauty community but not everyone knows them. If you're just getting started and would like to know where to start, this article will introduce some of the more popular topics in the beauty blogger community.
Getting Started With Ultrasonic Body Slimming
If you work in the spa industry, you've probably heard about ultrasonic fat cavitation. This revolutionary spa treatment promises to improve skin and assist in weight loss without any surgery
Top 5 Gifts for Grandmothers
It's a challenge to find the ideal gift for anyone, but picking gifts for grandmothers is especially tough. She still displays all those picture frames and hand-made ornaments you've given her over the years, so finding room for another one presents her with a problem.
Basic information on Hepatitis A and B vaccines
Hepatitis A and B vaccines are recommended for individuals with chronic liver disease. The word Hepatitis has been derived from a Greek word and it means injury to liver with inflammation of the liver
Options For Your Cosmetic Surgery
If you are looking for cosmetic surgery in San Jose, the options available are many and varied.This is a actually a rather surprising fact to some people since not many people would assume a place such as San Jose would have so many cosmetic surgery centers to choose from.
Complex Ovarian Cyst Symptoms You Need to Watch Out For
Ovarian cysts can affect all women, regardless of their race or their age. Understanding the systems of this ovarian disease can help women seek treatment to relive the pain and also before the ovarian cyst can increase in size or become malignant.
How to Make Boric Acid Suppositories
I have been a sufferer of recurrent yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis infections and I've tried everything under the sun to cure myself of this horrible issue. Over the counter drugs [tried them] Prescription drugs [tried them] change in diet [tried it] home made remedies [tried most of
Some Uses of Aromatherapy For Various Women Complaints
The Uses of aromatherapy when it comes to women's problems are endless, but I am going to give you a few examples of some of the complaints that I have been asked about recently.