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Women's Health : Health & Medical

Bacterial Vaginosis - Natural Remedies For Recurring BV Cure

If you are suffering from recurring BV then you should look at curing this problem with bacterial vaginosis natural remedies. Natural treatment options are producing more long-term results when compared to conventional treatments and of course without any harmful side effects.

Contamination of Kotex Tampons Initiates Recall

Almost everyone has either tried using tampons or uses tampons on a regular basis. It is not often that we think about these products being dangerous or hazardous. This is usually because they are not

How to Properly Maintain Human Hair Extensions

More and more people are turning to human hair extensions for instant look changes. And we're not talking only about celebrities here...Regular and famous people alike find human hair extensions a blessing from God.

The Ten Instructions After Your Eyelid - Browlift Surgery

Eyelid and browlift surgery can make a dramatic change in your appearance but it associated with a fair amount of swelling and bruising which is temporally disturbing. Following a careful set if instructions can shorten the recovery period from this type of plastic surgery while safely achieving the

Left Side Abdominal Pain during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is really mentally and physically uncomfortable, creates discomforts and pains throughout the nine month of pregnancy. The pains and discomforts are somewhat worrisome because many women con

How to Prep the Face for Makeup

Just as artists prepare their canvases before attempting their next masterpiece, we need to prep our canvases - our faces. Here's how.

Is Breast Augmentation Safe?

Breast augmentation is a very common procedure today. Look at the new options to make a good choice.

3 Easy Tips on How to Treat a Yeast Infection Naturally

Some studies show that around 70% of women will be affected by this terrible condition. Let us look first at what it is exactly. This disease is caused by the overgrowth of Candida in the body. Basically, fungus starts to take over the host and disrupts normal operation of the body.

Fashion Tips For the Top Heavy Plus Size Teen

While you might be the envy of your flat chested friends, you know that being 'busty' isn't automatically a great thing. Having large breasts can be emotionally trying as you try to ignore snide remarks made by members of the opposite sex. And large breasts can be physically trying al

How To Declutter Your Jewelry

Wondering what jewelry to wear - add this to the list of questions we can ask ourselves every morning. Do you stand in front of the mirror, trying on 3 different necklaces? Do you dig through your pile of earrings, trying to find the matching earring? Do you spend minutes trying to untangle your nec

Changing Paradigms For Weight Loss 4

In this series of weight loss articles I will explain the reasons for gaining weight in the first place and why you may have problems losing it or a least losing all of it. Everyone has paradigms (bel

Are Women Better Drivers?

Fasten your seat belts; the battle of the sexes is cruising into the realm of driving.