3 Easy Tips on How to Treat a Yeast Infection Naturally
Some studies show that around 70% of women will be affected by this terrible condition.
Let us look first at what it is exactly.
This disease is caused by the overgrowth of Candida in the body.
Basically, fungus starts to take over the host and disrupts normal operation of the body.
Now that we know what it is, let's learn how to treat a yeast infection naturally.
Modern medicine provides us with a multitude of creams and pills that will address the symptoms of this infection.
The symptoms can be terrible and range from mild itching and burning to painful sex and urination.
The issue with these modern meds is that they only deal with the symptoms and not the underlying condition.
So after a while, women have to make that same trip to the drugstore because the issue was never resolved in the first place.
So here are a few tips on how to treat a yeast infection naturally: - Stop Having Sex: Don't worry, we don't mean forever.
If you have the infection then the easiest way to prolong it is to continue having sex.
All you are doing is passing it on to your partner, who will then pass it right back to you.
Make sure that you are completely done with the condition before resuming sexual activity.
By the way, men can get yeast infections too, they just have a harder time finding any medicines at the drugstore to relieve their symptoms.
- Tackle the Symptoms: There is nothing wrong in dealing with the painful itching and burning.
In fact, they can be so bad that this is all you want to do.
As long as you do not stop there, you should be fine.
Use a natural ingredient like yogurt.
Use plain yogurt by either smearing it on the vagina or dipping a tampon into it and inserting it into the vagina.
Yeah its messy but the relief is worth it.
- find the Underlying cause: As mentioned above, the shortcoming of modern medicine is that it only deals with the symptoms.
You must go further and try to find the reason that your body is out of balance.
This is not easy, but a little observation and critical thinking will eventually point out the contributing factors that cause your flare ups.
Is it food, stress, certain clothes or a combination of many things? Once you have found this underlying cause and have dealt with it properly, you will break the cycle of recurring infections that is controlling your life.
It is a bit difficult but well worth it in the end.
Let us look first at what it is exactly.
This disease is caused by the overgrowth of Candida in the body.
Basically, fungus starts to take over the host and disrupts normal operation of the body.
Now that we know what it is, let's learn how to treat a yeast infection naturally.
Modern medicine provides us with a multitude of creams and pills that will address the symptoms of this infection.
The symptoms can be terrible and range from mild itching and burning to painful sex and urination.
The issue with these modern meds is that they only deal with the symptoms and not the underlying condition.
So after a while, women have to make that same trip to the drugstore because the issue was never resolved in the first place.
So here are a few tips on how to treat a yeast infection naturally: - Stop Having Sex: Don't worry, we don't mean forever.
If you have the infection then the easiest way to prolong it is to continue having sex.
All you are doing is passing it on to your partner, who will then pass it right back to you.
Make sure that you are completely done with the condition before resuming sexual activity.
By the way, men can get yeast infections too, they just have a harder time finding any medicines at the drugstore to relieve their symptoms.
- Tackle the Symptoms: There is nothing wrong in dealing with the painful itching and burning.
In fact, they can be so bad that this is all you want to do.
As long as you do not stop there, you should be fine.
Use a natural ingredient like yogurt.
Use plain yogurt by either smearing it on the vagina or dipping a tampon into it and inserting it into the vagina.
Yeah its messy but the relief is worth it.
- find the Underlying cause: As mentioned above, the shortcoming of modern medicine is that it only deals with the symptoms.
You must go further and try to find the reason that your body is out of balance.
This is not easy, but a little observation and critical thinking will eventually point out the contributing factors that cause your flare ups.
Is it food, stress, certain clothes or a combination of many things? Once you have found this underlying cause and have dealt with it properly, you will break the cycle of recurring infections that is controlling your life.
It is a bit difficult but well worth it in the end.