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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Child Abuse and Neglect: Effects on Child Development, Brain Development, Psychopathology, and Inter
This article describes the effects on child development and brain development of early maltreatment.The effects of early maltreatment are profound and pervasive.
Psychosis Treatment Should Not Be Delayed
There are some common symptoms of Psychosis, but not everyone can identify them at an early stage. And by the time it is done, it is important to get the Psychosis Treatment as soon as possible otherw
WHEE and Transgenerational Healing - Affirmations For Deep Healings, Part 1
Family therapists are keenly aware of inter-generational issues that create problems within families. When intense emotions are bottled up and buried outside of conscious awareness, their effects can be visited upon future generations. Fascinating new transpersonal methods enable us to release ourse
How to Help Someone Who Takes Drugs and Alcohol
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), approximately 1 in 10 adults has a problem with drugs, alcohol or both. Substance abuse can have a negative effect on many aspects of life, including physical and mental health, finances and relationships. Making someone stop using drugs or
Panic Attack Information Including Allergies
Panic Attack Information tells us thatpanic attack symptoms and Allergy Symptoms can be quite similar and while the treatment may differ somewhat in the end the solution lies in self knowledge.When it hits, it may seem like nothing can stop the terror or dread of losing control brought on by a panic
What Are The Possible Causes Of Schizophrenia?
Scientists are doing their best to find out the exact causes of schizophrenia and for that they are doing biochemistry studies, molecular biology studies and genetic studies.
End Of Life: The Caregiver
Caregivers provide support to someone who needs help. Caregivers may live with the person they are caring for, providing assistance with daily needs, or may visit the person weekly or call regularly.
How to Eliminate Cigaratte Smoke Odor
Cigarette smoke permeates everything. It lingers on walls, flooring, carpets and rugs, furniture, clothing and many other porous materials. The tar and nicotine also discolors light-colored surfaces and fabrics. While smokers might be unaware of the smell, many nonsmokers suffer serious breathing pr
ADHD and Twitching
ADHD is a problem with self regulation affecting up to 10% of school aged children and around 5% of adults. The inability to self regulate can exists in the areas of attention, behavior, and motor movements and looks different in each child or adult with the condition. In this informational article
Plan For Treating ADHD Naturally Without Prescription Drugs
Looking for a plan for treating ADHD? In this article, you'll learn about a natural 3 step program for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder that can reduce impulsivity, agitation and outbursts while increasing focus and the ability to stay on task.
Autonomic Dysfunction and Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome: Putting it all together
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls the automatic functions of the body (visceral functions) such as the heart rate, breathing, perspiration, eye pupils, the digestive
Knowing Basic Panic Attack Self Help - Your Ultimate Emergency Guide When You Need it Most
Not all of us actually go to the shrink immediately when we experience panic attacks. Most of the time, we look for signs first that may indicate that it's already a serious or clinical matter. Even if you haven't experienced panic attacks, though, you need to know basic panic attack self
Is it Really Possible to Stop a Panic Attack?
For individuals suffering from panic attacks, your main goal is trying to figure out how to stop these attacks. For people who have never experienced this pain, it is hard to understand what the unfortunate sufferer goes through on a daily basis.
What Happens If You Have Terrible Breath From Smoking?
Smoking is a well-known cause of persistent bad breath. Chemicals from cigarettes, including tar and nicotine, often stick to parts of the mouth and cause foul odors that lead to bad breath. Although bad breath is one symptom, smoking also can cause more serious consequences to oral health.
Brain Reserve and the Prevention of Dementia
What is "brain reserve"? And how does brain reserve mediate the association between mental activity and risk of cognitive decline or dementia?
How to Manage Crisis Situations in Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance abuse treatment facilities experience multiple crisis situations every month. Most crisis situations in substance abuse treatment facilities are acts of violence committed by a patient or threats of violence made by a patient. Sometimes the violence is directed towards other people and som
What are Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Below is an introduction on Anxiety and Panic attacks, what they are, their causes, and their treatments, it is a brief overview of the illness; To help identify if you are, or have suffered from ...
How to Deal With Panic Attacks and Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks Quickly
If you're searching for information on how to deal with panic attacks, let me tell you that it is not as difficult as it is made out to be. One can understand the pain and horrifying experience that the sufferer goes through. But just thinking about it and not doing anything is not going to hel
Exploring Psychosis and Bipolar Disorder in Women
How do the experiences of women with severe mental illness differ from that of men? This review explores the impact of women's attitudes, roles, use of mental health services, and more.
Fitness - Mind & Body
All this hype about fitness! What exactly is it? Some people only look at the superficial and say, "Wow! you are fit."