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Mental Health : Health & Medical
The History of Mental Health Care Practices
Mental health treatment has made giant leaps since the 1600s. Because of advances in medical science, doctors have stopped relying on the supernatural for help and started studying the brain and its mysteries.
National Stereotypes Miss the Mark
A new study shows that common stereotypes are blatantly false and fail to contain a "kernel of truth" even though they're often an established part of national identity.
The Secret Causes of Gerascophobia Or Fear of Growing Old
Many people these days have a phobia. And one of the most common phobias that you may encounter is the fear of growing old or also called as gerascophobia. You might be confused once searching for this type of phobia as it might also be referred to as gerontophobia.
How to Handle the Anxiety of Back Surgery
There are legitimate reasons to be nervous about back surgery, but it's important to weigh those risks against the relief you may get from the procedure. It's normal to feel jittery before any surgery, but that very normal anxiety coupled with the pain the patient is likely feeling make it difficult
Getting Treatment For Bipolar Disorder - Why You Shouldn't Delay
Patients suffering from bipolar disorder can be treated rather effectively these days. Considering how long the disease had been around, it should only be expected that ways to treat it would continue to improve. As a result, you had better realize that you could trust your doctor to give you what y
Addiction is Bad, Gratitude is Good
My last article focused on how addiction and gratitude are viewed as opposites.This time I want to go deeper into exploring why these two values are closely tied together.
Anxiety Medicine – Facts You Should Know About Anxiety Medications
First of all, it would be wrong for me to suggest that all of the commonly prescribed anxiety medicine were totally useless, however, to be honest to you, most of them were developed as sedatives, ant
Learning to Deal With Stress in Your Life
Stress is a fact of life that we all have to deal with at some point in our lives. We have good times and bad times in our daily lives which cause unavoidable stress and ...
Hypnosis and EFT For Better Results
Profound relaxation is achieved with hypnosis and self-hypnosis by accessing the subconscious mind while distracting the conscious mind. We must access the subconscious mind via hypnosis to change our habits and beliefs. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is rooted in Chinese medicine for releasi
Psychiatric View - The Facts About Bipolar Disorder From A Different Perspective
The distinguishing characteristic of Bipolar Disorder, as compared to other mood disorders, is the presence of at least one manic episode. This article deals about the substantial facts concerned with bipolar disorder or manic depression.
The Good, Better, Best of Brain Health
Brain health is very important as a safeguard against dementia and Alzheimer's; as protection against memory loss and, to slow down aging of the brain. There are many things we can do to help ourselves.
How Brain Injuries Affect Personalities
Brains injuries affect our personalities in many ways but severity of injury and pre-injury personality will have a bearing on the changes. Because our brains control who we are, when our brains are affected, so shall our personalities be. Because no two brain injuries are the same and no two people
Cerebral Palsy Associations - Help For Families With a Cerebral Palsy Child
When an infant is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, families' lives are changed forever. Cerebral Palsy is a group of non-progressive conditions that affect thousands of infants each year. There are many services for families that will help them become educated about it. They help find medical and
Cigarette Smoke & Health Problems
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco is one of the largest threats to the public health of the 21st century. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, 60 of which are known to cause cancer. It is widely known that cigarettes lead to a variety of health problems, and t
Foundation For Success With Bipolar Disorder
You can't live in even the most beautiful of homes without having a good, strong foundation first. Well, it's the same with bipolar disorder. In order to have success (i.e., stability) with the disorder, you need to have a strong foundation as well.
Online Dating is Popular with Married Men and Women
A study of Internet chat rooms explores the attitudes of married people who go there to meet someone of the opposite sex for cybersex or flirting. The study author contends that this is fast becoming the most common form of infidelity.
How to Use Guided Imagery to Heal Post-Traumatic Stress
Are you experiencing the long-term effects of childhood trauma or post-traumatic stress? Is someone you love still dealing with it? If you are looking for effective healing strategies, consider adding guided imagery to any other form of therapy you choose or recommend. This article is part of a seri
About Conversion Disorder Inpatient Treatment
Conversion disorder is a complex mental illness that can be difficult to diagnose and treat due to its involvement with physical symptoms. Treating this disorder at the inpatient level requires ruling out other physical conditions and providing evidence that the symptoms place the patient or others
Trying To Understand Abandonment Disorder and Borderline Personality?
Have you ever questioned yourself about the reasons and causing factors of the Abandonment Disorder and BPD? To start with, during our first years of life we rely on our parents and/or caregivers to meet not just our physical needs, but also emotional and mental demands. This is the reason why natur
How To Develop Mental Illness Carer Coping Strategies
Each and every carer has to learn in their own way in their own time and implement measures that work for them in their situation. Mental illnesses affect different people in different ways and theref