How to Eliminate Cigaratte Smoke Odor
- 1). Use mechanical air exchanges or negative ion generators. A mechanical air exchange will circulate stale air through a variety of filters and return cleaned air to the room. Most exchanges are noisy and require frequent and expensive filter changes. On the other hand, a negative ion generator is much smaller and has no filters. It emits electrically charged negative ions into the air and leaves behind a fresh smell. Clean the inner chamber of the machine regularly.
- 2). Mask and remove some of the odor using quick fresheners. Spray the rooms, furniture, curtains and carpet with an air and fabric neutralizer. Allow some of the mist to fall onto your hair and clothing. Light scented candles and place fresh potpourri in each room. In the kitchen, simmer a large pot of water and potpourri. If you have a fireplace, light a fire and throw in dried lemon, orange or grapefruit rinds.
- 3). Create vinegar and baking soda mixtures. In a large bowl, mix 1 cup of white vinegar for every 2 cups of water and add a scoop of baking soda. The mixture should fizz. Use a sponge mop to wash your walls, ceilings and window moldings. You can also use this mixture on the interior of your car -- windows, plastic moldings and metals. For carpets and car fabric, combine baking soda with a few drops of essential oil, preferably lavender. Sprinkle the mixture over the entire area and let it sit for at least four hours. Vacuum it up.
- 4). Try a few daily maintenance tips. Ventilate the house each day. Place small bowls of vinegar, baking soda, kitty litter or other odor-absorbing materials throughout the house. Leave an opened bag of charcoal in the car overnight. Remember to keep these substances away from children and pets. Wipe kitchen surfaces with a vinegar and water solution -- 2 cups water to 1 cup vinegar. Mop the kitchen floor with a pine-scented floor cleaner. Store clothes in plastic bags and add cedar chips to the closet. Use fabric softener sheets in the dryer.
- 5). Keep yourself smoke free. When you smoke outside, face away from the wind and upwind from any other nearby smokers. Wear an overcoat to keep the smoke away from your clothes. Afterward, remove your coat and stand outside for a few minutes to "air" yourself out. Brush your teeth, gargle with a strong mouthwash and use the strongest breath mint you can tolerate.