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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

Strep Throat Affects All Ages

Strep throat is a very common illness that occurs in all humans of all ages most often in the winter months. It is an infection of the pharynx and possibly the larynx and the tonsils. It is a form of group A streptococcal infections. Group A streptococcal infections cause...

Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of a medical condition known as dementia, which affects the brain and hence memory. The affected person gradually loses the ability to think and behave normally. One needs to start worrying when the intellectual skills of an individual gradually dimi

How Anger And Stress Can Damage Damages The Heart

Some individuals in society become mad with anger and allow themselves to get stressed out to the point that the heart becomes damaged and over time the arteries walls are ruined. The body and mind ...

Jaundice – Causes & Treatment

The word jaundice comes from the French word for 'yellow' which is 'jaune.' It describes the yellowish appearance of the skin and whiles of the eyes of a newly born baby.

Bird Flu Preparation

There are a variety of avian influenza viruses that may make the birds sick or have now visable affect at all. One particularly lethal strain of this type of avian flu virus has found its way from wild water fowl to domestic fowl such as chickens and ducks. This was certainly of concern to those tha

Shrink Hemorrhoids - Many Ways to Shrink Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels that are inflamed and are found in the lower portion of the rectum and at the anus. There are many ways to shrink hemorrhoids. Despite the acute pain and discomfort ...

Types And Dangers Of Cholesterol

What is cholesterol Cholesterol is a substance found in all cells of the body. The body needs some cholesterol to work properly. The body needs cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help ...

Identifying Depression Symptoms For Prevention And Cure

Depression is a disease that can effect many different parts of the body. When people thing of depression symptoms they generally associate them with the mental state of the person. The truth of the matter ...

The Cirrhosis Liver Diet That Can Prolong Your Life

First, let's discuss what liver cirrhosis is, and then we can talk about a cirrhosis liver diet that can help give your liver a break and prolong your life. Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver ...

An Untreated Yeast Infection Can Be Dangerous

No one likes to get a yeast infection. But aside from the uncomfortable symptoms you experience, there are more serious dangers that may arise from an untreated yeast infection. So while most yeast in

Heart Disease in Ladies

Did you know that heart disease in women presents differently than it does in men? It's true - ladies develop different symptoms than most men, and generally haven't any symptoms at all. Meaning that heart ...

The Most Effective Treatments for Hyperhidrosis

A very growing problem among both men and women is excessive sweating, and it can be one of the most embarrassing issues that anybody can experience. People who suffer from this sweating condition on a ...

Alzheimer's Disease And the Baby Boomers

The Baby Boomer generation is described as a unique group of individuals who share a socioeconomic and cultural demographic. These individuals also share many common experiences, including protesting the Vietnam War, fighting for the rights of the women. Anyone born between1946 through 1964 is consi

Don’T Lose Hope With Best IVF Center in Gurgaon

Infertility - The condition where the couples are not able to conceive even after trying for 12 months of regular sexual relationship without birth control. It is difficult for both to digest this fact. Some ...

How to Stop Excessive Sweating Naturally

Do you suffer from excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis? If you do, you know how embarrassing it can be. You can be in the middle of an important business presentation when you suddenly realize your h