How Anger And Stress Can Damage Damages The Heart
Some individuals in society become mad with anger and allow themselves to get stressed out to the point that the heart becomes damaged and over time the arteries walls are ruined. The body and mind are designed to handle these day to day up and down levels that happen inside a home or out side the home on a daily basis however how much stress is to much for the human bodies heart and could the effects be in the long run.
Everyday individuals somewhere and somehow are allow themselves to become upset and angry and leads them to stress in the body and raises the blood pressure to extreme levels and this causes the heart and arteries at some location to be destroyed. When the artery walls at some location are in ruin destroyed the start to collect and get a bump and each time you eat unhealthy food or become so stressed out and angry that your blood pressure rises and your already damaged heart wall on the inside becomes worse by collecting bad particles in the blood stream and the bubble bump inside the artery becomes bigger closing the arteries spot and blood flow is very hard to pass through and causes high blood pressure. Think of a sink drain over the years how it becomes clogged however the drain can be replaced easy. Unhealthy foods cause this as well however we are talking about everyday stress that people have around the home at work these everyday little arguments that lead to anger then stress are dangerous to the heart and arteries walls.
Individuals think I get mad or upset often then it goes away however each time this happens you have caused damage to the walls and each time after the bump or bubble becomes worse bigger and your blood flow is critically slowed and the blood pressure can become extremely worse each time.
Little everday things you think like argue or scream at someone are what could ruin the health and lead to heart problems sooner than later this is what people seem to forget and should try to not become upset anger which lead to stress and.
If you a person male or female and this sounds like you always getting mad easy start trying to find ways to not becoming mad decide how you can become less anger and not become mad easy or fast which could one day lead to the emergency room. Instead of becoming mad or wanting to yell try to become more relaxed and keep in mind that making yourself upset is only useless and that you will and are damaging your artery walls leading to heart disease and this could be critical at some point down the road. There is nothing worth yelling or making you destroy your health. Individuals become naturally overtime wanting to argue and think this is normal as you may see some couples do on a daily basis they just think it is normal however they may be seriously destroying there hearts artery walls.
Everyday individuals somewhere and somehow are allow themselves to become upset and angry and leads them to stress in the body and raises the blood pressure to extreme levels and this causes the heart and arteries at some location to be destroyed. When the artery walls at some location are in ruin destroyed the start to collect and get a bump and each time you eat unhealthy food or become so stressed out and angry that your blood pressure rises and your already damaged heart wall on the inside becomes worse by collecting bad particles in the blood stream and the bubble bump inside the artery becomes bigger closing the arteries spot and blood flow is very hard to pass through and causes high blood pressure. Think of a sink drain over the years how it becomes clogged however the drain can be replaced easy. Unhealthy foods cause this as well however we are talking about everyday stress that people have around the home at work these everyday little arguments that lead to anger then stress are dangerous to the heart and arteries walls.
Individuals think I get mad or upset often then it goes away however each time this happens you have caused damage to the walls and each time after the bump or bubble becomes worse bigger and your blood flow is critically slowed and the blood pressure can become extremely worse each time.
Little everday things you think like argue or scream at someone are what could ruin the health and lead to heart problems sooner than later this is what people seem to forget and should try to not become upset anger which lead to stress and.
If you a person male or female and this sounds like you always getting mad easy start trying to find ways to not becoming mad decide how you can become less anger and not become mad easy or fast which could one day lead to the emergency room. Instead of becoming mad or wanting to yell try to become more relaxed and keep in mind that making yourself upset is only useless and that you will and are damaging your artery walls leading to heart disease and this could be critical at some point down the road. There is nothing worth yelling or making you destroy your health. Individuals become naturally overtime wanting to argue and think this is normal as you may see some couples do on a daily basis they just think it is normal however they may be seriously destroying there hearts artery walls.