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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

Holistic Acupuncture

Holistic acupuncture not only treats the symptomatic complaints of a patient, but more importantly seeks to achieve balance throughout the whole system to achieve homeostasis or normal function. This system does not separate the physical ...

What Are the Lymphedema Treatment Options?

Lymphedema treatment is available for many patients suffering from this condition. This condition is one that involves swelling in the area of the arms or the legs, sometimes both. It can affect just one limb, too.

Safe Colon Cleansing - What Is The Safest Way To Colon Cleanse?

If you're concerned with safe colon cleansing, read on. Cleansing the colon is good for you regardless of the method you choose, but there are varying degrees of safety amongst the different methods. As with all medical treatments some are more effective than others and some have more risk than

The Primer on Healing by Prayer

Dr. Mark Stengler, N.D., covers the use of prayer in his book The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies. He writes; “My recommendation is simple â€" a daily routine of pra

Alternative Therapies Like Reiki Are Thriving

Have you noticed that alternative therapies like Reiki are thriving? For those interested in natural healing this is great news. And well overdue I might add! For years alternative therapies have been relegated to the fringes and looked down upon with condescension. Practitioners were ridiculed and

Natural Treatment For Restless Leg Syndrome

If you've ever woken up in the middle of the night with your leg feeling like it's either being attacked by rabid porcupines or ripped to pieces, you're probably suffering from restless leg syndrome. Well, you don't have to suffer anymore. There are natural treatments for this pr

Benefits Of Herbs For Diabetic People

Diabetes is a problem that many people face these days. The rising inclusion of fast food which are high on sugar and while carbs in one's diet these days along with sedentary lifestyles cont

Aloe Vera And Sam

Do dogs understand things that we don't? After introducing him to an Aloe Vera drink, I came to think that my dog did. Why else would Sam have lapped his up when I found its taste challenging?

Garlic benefits tips and tricks

If you didn't know, garlic is one of the most valuable and incredible foods on earth. Today garlic is well known as a health enhancing supplement

Sound Sleep: A Prerequisite to Live Healthy Life

In the hectic life one leads in today's world with sleep being the prime rejuvenator, in terms of remedies to provide a sound sleep by CPAP therapy, Anchorage has a number of oral devices to ...

Use Intention to Build Vibrant Health

My Qigong teacher once told me that in order for someone to recover fully from an illness or a chronic condition they needed to created a "burning desire" to get better. It is this strong desire or intention that is truly the driving force behind Qigong or any form of self-healing. I canno

Herbal Supplements For ADHD May Be Your Best Choice

Having a child diagnosed with ADHD can cause quite a blow to a family unit. Usually this diagnosis follows a series of problems with the child in school and at home. The unruly behavior of your child will lead you down the avenue for relief. Your physician will most likely prescribe stimulants. Thes

Qigong Exercises for Insomnia

Qigong is a moving meditation with gentle movements and focus. It can help to quiet overactive minds at a deeper level, harmonize energy, calm the nervous system and help with overall well-being. There are several different forms of Qigong used for a variety of ailments. The following exercises are

Get to Know Nasal Irrigation Devices

Nasal irrigation is an alternate solution to people experiencing nasal symptoms without the use of medications. It has a long history and currently exist a variety of related devices. While nasal irri

Pulse Oximeter Saves Children

The health and safety of children has been on the top of the list of priorities for parents for as long as there have been children. Parents are constantly looking to better protect and monitor the health of their children from various illnesses and diseases. They will stop at almost nothing to do a