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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

Use These Tips To Get Rid Of Acne

Often times, acne sufferers feel that there is nothing they can do to help themselves. Many products will promise you amazing results but they often do not work. Using the correct information, you can control ...

Natural Cure for Excessive Perspiration

You are in a middle of a heating conversation with some associates at work when suddenly, you felt a sudden gush of perspiration trickling down your armpits. This puts you in a very

Alternative Medicines - Homeopathy

So-called alternative medicine is a field of products and treatments outside of official healthcare systems. While some people swear by herbal remedies and other unconventional practices, many healthcare experts warn that there can be many risks associated with them.

Why Back Pain is Worse Than it Sounds

Back pain can be an indicator of several different problems, and some of them can change your life. If ignored, a few might even end it.

Your Extreme Back Pain May Be Caused by Disc Injury

When the discs are 'slipped' from their normal position and range, herniation occurs. This condition produces debilitating back pain and unmanageable bowel movement. Herniated or slipped discs are com


Most people aren't aware that an association exists between the most intricate and advanced of medical procedures and an ancient therapeutic science that has been helping people recover from their ailmentsfor many years.Acupuncture can play ...

Teeter EP-550 Inversion Table - An intro

When you are struggling back again problems or else you want to straighten out your posture, among the list of very best alternatives you can decide on is really an inversion table. Inversion treatment helps ...

Best Shampoo for Hair Loss Problems and Dandruff

Divya it shampoo is a herbal product that is helpful in various it problems. With the help of this herbal product one can stop various problems which is related to health. it fall is a ...

Best Known Natural Home Remedies For Blemishes

Blemishes can really reduce your level of self-confidence and can affect the way you look. Fortunately, thanks to natural remedies for blemishes, it is very easy to get rid of them without paying a fortune ...

Wellness Coaching - Going Gluten-Free

Currently, autoimmune disorders are the number three killer, behind heart disease and cancer, in the United States. A study published in the peer-reviewed Gastroenterology found a 400% increase celiac disease from just fifty years ago. Today it effects 1 in 105 people in the U.S. and since most peop

True Story of Magnotherapy

Magnetic therapy involves metal magnets which are placed on the body in groups or in fixed spacing. Magnets which are used in relief should be implanted for a day so as to get relief