Alternative Therapies Like Reiki Are Thriving
Have you noticed that alternative therapies like Reiki are thriving? For those interested in natural healing this is great news.
And well overdue I might add! For years alternative therapies have been relegated to the fringes and looked down upon with condescension.
Practitioners were ridiculed and scoffed at! Particularly in Western medicine the mighty drug was king! If you didn't get a prescription for something then you weren't getting proper medical care.
And this was equally true for mental and emotional problems as well as physical problems.
Nobody would argue that if you break a bone, the bone needs to be set so that it can heal properly.
Reiki or another alternative therapy won't fix the bone.
Nor will it cure cancer.
But move to dealing with the associated pain management and the management of the harrowing emotional turmoil that an illness or injury might cause and it's a different story.
Too many people are on dangerous medications to try to control these aspects! And too frequently nasty side effects emerge.
How many lawsuits are in progress over supposedly safe and approved drugs for which problems arose after years of prescriptions? And that is not even giving consideration to the cost! More and more medical practitioners are exploring and learning about alternative therapies because it has become apparent that they work.
They have their place and they have been undeserving of the quack reputations that they have had attributed to them.
The purpose of honorable medicine is to provide relief and to heal.
Unfortunately business sometimes gets in the way, and the powerful drug companies are businesses.
While they might have doctors and chemists on their staff, their ultimate goal is to return a profit to their shareholders.
And the bigger the profits, the bigger the bonuses for management! This has led to incredible incentives for doctors to prescribe their solutions at the first line of defense, even where natural alternative therapies might have been perfectly adequate or even superior.
Thankfully alternative therapies have now risen in importance, in part due to the high cost of delivering chemical-based medicine and because of the worrying side effects which have tarnished the reputation of what used to be considered the best approach.
Exploring alternative therapies like Reiki and energy healing is now very timely.
There is no question that they will continue to become an increasingly important part of quality medical care.
You are certainly not alone if you are considering more research or education into alternative therapies!
And well overdue I might add! For years alternative therapies have been relegated to the fringes and looked down upon with condescension.
Practitioners were ridiculed and scoffed at! Particularly in Western medicine the mighty drug was king! If you didn't get a prescription for something then you weren't getting proper medical care.
And this was equally true for mental and emotional problems as well as physical problems.
Nobody would argue that if you break a bone, the bone needs to be set so that it can heal properly.
Reiki or another alternative therapy won't fix the bone.
Nor will it cure cancer.
But move to dealing with the associated pain management and the management of the harrowing emotional turmoil that an illness or injury might cause and it's a different story.
Too many people are on dangerous medications to try to control these aspects! And too frequently nasty side effects emerge.
How many lawsuits are in progress over supposedly safe and approved drugs for which problems arose after years of prescriptions? And that is not even giving consideration to the cost! More and more medical practitioners are exploring and learning about alternative therapies because it has become apparent that they work.
They have their place and they have been undeserving of the quack reputations that they have had attributed to them.
The purpose of honorable medicine is to provide relief and to heal.
Unfortunately business sometimes gets in the way, and the powerful drug companies are businesses.
While they might have doctors and chemists on their staff, their ultimate goal is to return a profit to their shareholders.
And the bigger the profits, the bigger the bonuses for management! This has led to incredible incentives for doctors to prescribe their solutions at the first line of defense, even where natural alternative therapies might have been perfectly adequate or even superior.
Thankfully alternative therapies have now risen in importance, in part due to the high cost of delivering chemical-based medicine and because of the worrying side effects which have tarnished the reputation of what used to be considered the best approach.
Exploring alternative therapies like Reiki and energy healing is now very timely.
There is no question that they will continue to become an increasingly important part of quality medical care.
You are certainly not alone if you are considering more research or education into alternative therapies!