The Best 7 Day Organic Colon Cleanse
- One specific method of colon cleansing involves the consumption of pills made by a company called Dr. Group's 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse. The pills contain Oxy-Powder, which are said to help ease intestinal compaction and bloating through the use of oxygen particles.
Start off by taking four capsules before going to bed on an empty stomach with eight ounces of distilled or purified water. As with any medication, consult your physician first. You are aiming to achieve three to five bowel movements the following day. If you do not have at least three movements, increase your dosage to five capsules the next night. If you are having too many, decrease your dosage. Do this for seven days.
It is recommended that you eat five small, healthy meals during this week. Be sure to avoid drinking coffee, milk, and soft drinks. To replace the fluids in your body, you should drink a mixture of distilled or purified water and organic apple cider vinegar. Mix two or three ounces of water with three tablespoons of vinegar. You can also add lemon juice for taste.
It is suggested to drink half your body weight of this mixture each day. If you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of the liquid. - This cleanse is also known as the Lemonade Diet and the Maple Syrup Diet, because of the ingredients found in the juice you consume while on the fast. When you go through a cleanse or a detox, you are constantly expelling things from your body. This fast, like many colon cleansers, will require you to use the bathroom several times a day, so make sure you are near a toilet at all times.
Begin your fast at night with drinking a cup of herbal laxative tea. When you wake up in the morning, mix two tsp. of uniodized salt in a quart of lukewarm water and drink. You will continue to do this, day and night, during your fast. For the daytime, mix 60 oz. of water with 12 tbsp. of organic Grade B maple syrup and 12 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Drink six glasses each day of your detox for weight loss and more for the ultimate detox. You can also drink plain water or mint tea during this time.
Cleaning with Oxygen
The Master Cleanse