The Game of Loving Gratitude
Love isn't material, it is energy.
We experience it as kindness, giving, mercy, compassion, peace, joy, acceptance, non-judgment, joining and intimacy.
Few activities make humans as happy as giving.
As we give love we are giving the ultimate gift of all.
As women, our feminine side enables us to easily feel and attune to love.
We are by nature, loving creatures.
Lovingly we give to those we meet, often without thought of reward.
We give our love to our mates, partners, children, siblings, parents, pets, friends - to everyone.
We often give love to ourselves as a last, desperate attempt to heal our bodies, spirits or souls.
When we have a moment to spare in our busy lives, we "think" we love ourselves.
Listen to your intuition, your instinct, your insights, your sixth sense, your heart.
We each have a beautiful child within us.
That little girl will tell you about your love.
She'll tell you where to send it, when to open up, and when to take in love for your spirit.
Listen to your heart's message telling you where your Love should go while giving you guidance to send it out to all places.
It may be that you have a personal situation to resolve, or you want to help a friend or relative.
Perhaps you wish to send healing to a war zone, victims of earthquakes/disasters or simply to the earth itself.
How fast is the speed of love? Faster than the speed of thought, faster than the speed of light.
An easy, effective exercise to consciously send your love: First, find a comfortable place that is quiet, warm and where you will be undisturbed for a short time.
Take a few deep cleansing breathes, breathing in through the nose, and exhaling through your open mouth.
Consciously relax your body; knowingly center and calm your mind, stilling all feelings of the outside world.
Set aside all concerns of what you should, could, or ought to be doing right now.
Then, when you feel comfortable, focus on the situation you have chosen.
Take a deep breath in, and while inhaling, imagine you are breathing in pure, golden love.
Magnify that love in your heart.
As you exhale send the love instantly, in that breath, to the situation you are focused on.
That love goes instantly to the problem.
You may repeat the breathing cycle if you wish.
Once is really all it takes.
But some of us choose to focus on the beauty of that moment of magnificence.
That love you are sharing also returns to you, the sender, at the speed of love, bringing back that beautiful golden energy, into your body and your life.
You may continue this exercise as long as you desire and as often as you wish.
There may be times that you feel this exercise is just too difficult for now.
You may be thinking, "I need some one to send this to me, rather that my doing it for others".
That is the time to focus on your own body, mind and spirit.
Do just that - send some of that wonderful love into your own heart.
There are times you have to "Fake it to Make it" as Dr.
Phil McGraw often says to his clients.
When you begin to open your heart, love begins to flow in and out.
You are actually allowing more love in and expanding your "love spaces" within you.
When walking down the street, smile 'with love' to a stranger.
Let an impatient driver in front of you, 'with love'.
Standing in line at the grocery store, look around you and think 'with love'.
It's actually a fun game to play.
At your work, helping customers or interacting with co-workers, use 'with love' thoughts and smiles to them.
Answer the phone 'with love'.
You'll be amazed to see how letting love flow changes your life.
Try it, you'll like it! Though I refer to the feminine energy, the masculine energy is also vital to all; the feminine and masculine balance is needed within each of us.
Enjoy this practice and be grateful this day for the love that is within each of you.
We experience it as kindness, giving, mercy, compassion, peace, joy, acceptance, non-judgment, joining and intimacy.
Few activities make humans as happy as giving.
As we give love we are giving the ultimate gift of all.
As women, our feminine side enables us to easily feel and attune to love.
We are by nature, loving creatures.
Lovingly we give to those we meet, often without thought of reward.
We give our love to our mates, partners, children, siblings, parents, pets, friends - to everyone.
We often give love to ourselves as a last, desperate attempt to heal our bodies, spirits or souls.
When we have a moment to spare in our busy lives, we "think" we love ourselves.
Listen to your intuition, your instinct, your insights, your sixth sense, your heart.
We each have a beautiful child within us.
That little girl will tell you about your love.
She'll tell you where to send it, when to open up, and when to take in love for your spirit.
Listen to your heart's message telling you where your Love should go while giving you guidance to send it out to all places.
It may be that you have a personal situation to resolve, or you want to help a friend or relative.
Perhaps you wish to send healing to a war zone, victims of earthquakes/disasters or simply to the earth itself.
How fast is the speed of love? Faster than the speed of thought, faster than the speed of light.
An easy, effective exercise to consciously send your love: First, find a comfortable place that is quiet, warm and where you will be undisturbed for a short time.
Take a few deep cleansing breathes, breathing in through the nose, and exhaling through your open mouth.
Consciously relax your body; knowingly center and calm your mind, stilling all feelings of the outside world.
Set aside all concerns of what you should, could, or ought to be doing right now.
Then, when you feel comfortable, focus on the situation you have chosen.
Take a deep breath in, and while inhaling, imagine you are breathing in pure, golden love.
Magnify that love in your heart.
As you exhale send the love instantly, in that breath, to the situation you are focused on.
That love goes instantly to the problem.
You may repeat the breathing cycle if you wish.
Once is really all it takes.
But some of us choose to focus on the beauty of that moment of magnificence.
That love you are sharing also returns to you, the sender, at the speed of love, bringing back that beautiful golden energy, into your body and your life.
You may continue this exercise as long as you desire and as often as you wish.
There may be times that you feel this exercise is just too difficult for now.
You may be thinking, "I need some one to send this to me, rather that my doing it for others".
That is the time to focus on your own body, mind and spirit.
Do just that - send some of that wonderful love into your own heart.
There are times you have to "Fake it to Make it" as Dr.
Phil McGraw often says to his clients.
When you begin to open your heart, love begins to flow in and out.
You are actually allowing more love in and expanding your "love spaces" within you.
When walking down the street, smile 'with love' to a stranger.
Let an impatient driver in front of you, 'with love'.
Standing in line at the grocery store, look around you and think 'with love'.
It's actually a fun game to play.
At your work, helping customers or interacting with co-workers, use 'with love' thoughts and smiles to them.
Answer the phone 'with love'.
You'll be amazed to see how letting love flow changes your life.
Try it, you'll like it! Though I refer to the feminine energy, the masculine energy is also vital to all; the feminine and masculine balance is needed within each of us.
Enjoy this practice and be grateful this day for the love that is within each of you.