Using Breast Feeding Pumps
One of the more important items on a mother's agenda is breastfeeding her baby. Breastfeeding is a very important event for the baby and the mother. By breastfeeding your baby, you can make sure that your baby gets the best possible nourishment since breastfeeding your natural milk gives your baby the necessary calories, nutrients and antioxidants that your baby needs.
If your baby is born prematurely or ill, you may not have access to breastfeed in those early days. A breast pump such as the Avent Isis Breast Pump can be your savior. By spending those first precious days or weeks pumping, you can provide the hospital staff with your own breast milk to feed your newborn.
So if you are a new mom, or mom-to-be who has chosen breast feeding instead of the prepared formula method, you are probably interested in using a breast pump. Breast pumps are especially great for moms who work outside the home or who can't be available at every feeding time for their newborn.
Breast pumps come in a variety of models, the most popular being the manual pump where the woman can directly control the pressure and frequency of pumps and the battery-operated pumps. However, electrically powered pumps are presently gaining in popularity.
Manual Breast Feeding Pump
These are operated by using a trigger like handle, which allows the mother to directly control the pressure and frequency of the pumping. This kind of pump is best suited for women that are only thinking of using a pump infrequently.
Electric Breast Feeding Pump
Powered by a small motor, the pump provides a suction which is delivered via plastic tubing and a funnel shaped cup which sits over the nipple. All parts attached to the pump can be sterilized and should be to prevent bacteria growth.
With a breast pump, you can effectively transfer the breast milk into a sterilized baby bottle (s). You can store it in the refrigerator for a maximum of three (3) days, and up to about seven (7) hours at room temperature.
You might even choose to use a breast pump to pump all of your breast milk for your infant. Perhaps the baby is not comfortable with breast feeding, or the infant has a hard time with breast feeding or prefers bottles.
Breast-feeding is one of the best ways that a mother can bond with her child and bottle-feeding breast milk is an avenue that fathers can use to bond with their child as well. At nights when mummy can hardly open her eyes to attend to the baby, daddy can step in by taking the bottle.
Now the mother who is combining them needs to know the technique of using the pump. The right pump has to be selected proportional to the amount of time (number of hours) the mother is going to be away from the baby.
Read About health magazine Also Read About breast feeding pumps and breast feeding benefits
If your baby is born prematurely or ill, you may not have access to breastfeed in those early days. A breast pump such as the Avent Isis Breast Pump can be your savior. By spending those first precious days or weeks pumping, you can provide the hospital staff with your own breast milk to feed your newborn.
So if you are a new mom, or mom-to-be who has chosen breast feeding instead of the prepared formula method, you are probably interested in using a breast pump. Breast pumps are especially great for moms who work outside the home or who can't be available at every feeding time for their newborn.
Breast pumps come in a variety of models, the most popular being the manual pump where the woman can directly control the pressure and frequency of pumps and the battery-operated pumps. However, electrically powered pumps are presently gaining in popularity.
Manual Breast Feeding Pump
These are operated by using a trigger like handle, which allows the mother to directly control the pressure and frequency of the pumping. This kind of pump is best suited for women that are only thinking of using a pump infrequently.
Electric Breast Feeding Pump
Powered by a small motor, the pump provides a suction which is delivered via plastic tubing and a funnel shaped cup which sits over the nipple. All parts attached to the pump can be sterilized and should be to prevent bacteria growth.
With a breast pump, you can effectively transfer the breast milk into a sterilized baby bottle (s). You can store it in the refrigerator for a maximum of three (3) days, and up to about seven (7) hours at room temperature.
You might even choose to use a breast pump to pump all of your breast milk for your infant. Perhaps the baby is not comfortable with breast feeding, or the infant has a hard time with breast feeding or prefers bottles.
Breast-feeding is one of the best ways that a mother can bond with her child and bottle-feeding breast milk is an avenue that fathers can use to bond with their child as well. At nights when mummy can hardly open her eyes to attend to the baby, daddy can step in by taking the bottle.
Now the mother who is combining them needs to know the technique of using the pump. The right pump has to be selected proportional to the amount of time (number of hours) the mother is going to be away from the baby.
Read About health magazine Also Read About breast feeding pumps and breast feeding benefits