Undergoing a C-Section Delivery
The birthing process and method of delivery of a mother would usually depend upon her choice and sometimes as a couple. With this, it matters where the mother is comfortable in giving birth in and in what process they would have to go through. However, it has to be considered that the safety of both the mother and the baby should be noted before opting for other birthing methods.
What Is a C-Section?
A C-section is commonly known and referred to as the Cesarean section. With this, the baby doesn't come out through the normal spontaneous vaginal delivery, but the mother would undergo an invasive procedure wherein the baby would have to come out by cutting open the mother. The Cesarean section procedure has been commonly practiced nowadays especially if that would be the choice of the mother. Usually, these are the type of birthing method they opt for if they don't want to feel pain.
When Is a Cesarean Section Procedure Usually Indicated?
A C-section is usually indicated when there is clear evidence that if the mother goes through the traditional normal birthing process, she would be at risk for complications. Certain conditions such as high blood pressure, previous C-section procedure (for those multigravida), those women with pelvic symmetry not conducive for the delivery of the baby, and most importantly it is indicated if there is fetal distress and maternal distress. For some it is a pass from experiencing the pain of childbirth, but to some it may be considered as an emergency option to save both the lives of the mother and the baby.
What Should One Expect After the Procedure?
Giving birth through C-section versus the normal birthing process is highly different. Based on the pain factor to consider, there is much lesser pain felt for those who undergo a C-section. The risk however is much higher for those mothers who prefer a C-section. Blood loss is much greater as well after a C-section.
After the procedure, it is usually common for mothers to complain of the incision site, which is usually done either horizontally or transverse. It is the feeling as if the insides would go out. To help facilitate and relieve this fear, placing support in the abdominal area would be helpful. Placing a pillow would also do.
The incision site would sometime feel itchy especially when it is almost healed. Avoid as much as possible from scratching the incision site so as to avoid infection.
Advice on Faster C-Section Recovery
These are the following things a mother may consider to do to alleviate and to facilitate faster healing of the incision wound and faster recovery:
1) Eating healthy and nutritious foods would usually be of great help.
2) Getting enough sleep and rest.
3) Early ambulation would improve blood circulation hence, improving the health of the mother.
4) Observing proper hygiene. Taking daily and regular bath helps decrease the chances of having secondary complications.
5) Breastfeeding is highly encouraged. The sucking reflex of the baby would help bring back the tone of the uterus to its normal size, hence facilitating faster recovery process.
6) Avoid stressful activities.
What Is a C-Section?
A C-section is commonly known and referred to as the Cesarean section. With this, the baby doesn't come out through the normal spontaneous vaginal delivery, but the mother would undergo an invasive procedure wherein the baby would have to come out by cutting open the mother. The Cesarean section procedure has been commonly practiced nowadays especially if that would be the choice of the mother. Usually, these are the type of birthing method they opt for if they don't want to feel pain.
When Is a Cesarean Section Procedure Usually Indicated?
A C-section is usually indicated when there is clear evidence that if the mother goes through the traditional normal birthing process, she would be at risk for complications. Certain conditions such as high blood pressure, previous C-section procedure (for those multigravida), those women with pelvic symmetry not conducive for the delivery of the baby, and most importantly it is indicated if there is fetal distress and maternal distress. For some it is a pass from experiencing the pain of childbirth, but to some it may be considered as an emergency option to save both the lives of the mother and the baby.
What Should One Expect After the Procedure?
Giving birth through C-section versus the normal birthing process is highly different. Based on the pain factor to consider, there is much lesser pain felt for those who undergo a C-section. The risk however is much higher for those mothers who prefer a C-section. Blood loss is much greater as well after a C-section.
After the procedure, it is usually common for mothers to complain of the incision site, which is usually done either horizontally or transverse. It is the feeling as if the insides would go out. To help facilitate and relieve this fear, placing support in the abdominal area would be helpful. Placing a pillow would also do.
The incision site would sometime feel itchy especially when it is almost healed. Avoid as much as possible from scratching the incision site so as to avoid infection.
Advice on Faster C-Section Recovery
These are the following things a mother may consider to do to alleviate and to facilitate faster healing of the incision wound and faster recovery:
1) Eating healthy and nutritious foods would usually be of great help.
2) Getting enough sleep and rest.
3) Early ambulation would improve blood circulation hence, improving the health of the mother.
4) Observing proper hygiene. Taking daily and regular bath helps decrease the chances of having secondary complications.
5) Breastfeeding is highly encouraged. The sucking reflex of the baby would help bring back the tone of the uterus to its normal size, hence facilitating faster recovery process.
6) Avoid stressful activities.