Organizing & Cleaning Ideas for Homeschooling
- Any area can be a learning centerchild drawing at home image by Arkady Chubykin from
As many parents realize, homeschooling is a full-time job. Teaching your children from your kitchen table requires planning a curriculum and a daily schedule. Children need materials so they can complete reports and all the necessary steps to learn a subject, just like in a regular school. For homeschooling to be successful, mothers and fathers need to work in an organized environment. - Plan each week in advance by writing down specific goals and tasks each day. Chart your progress on the calendar and allow room in your schedule for breaks and play time. Create a lesson plan with hands-on projects and incorporate field trips into your routine. Field trips can include going to a museum or park.
- To keep your school environment clean, place books, paper and pencils in specified locations so your children are not frantically searching for their materials when it comes time to start a lesson. Storage-hole bookcases work well for organizing your homeschooling items. You can find large-box storage-hole bookcases at department stores or online. Each space is usually 12-by-12 inches wide and deep. Label each hole with your child's name on the outside.
- Keep your learning area clean by making sure that the children put all their materials away after school is over. Keep cleaning wipes handy to wash off the table and keep things clean for the following day. The learning area can be any designated area of your choosing, such as your dining room table. You can also invest in desks for each child and move all the materials along with your bookcase to a special room dedicated to schooling.
- Plan meals in advance when homeschooling your children, as developing minds require proper nourishment. Plan three meals per day including snacks.
- Enforce early bed times and get your children up for school just like you would if they went to a traditional school. Your children will be more serious about learning if you treat homeschooling like the real thing.
Storage Bookcases
Learning Area