Finding the R&R in March Break
With only a few short weeks away till March Break, parents are scrambling to figure out what they are going to do with themselves and the kids.
For parents of small children you know that the under 10 crowd is unlikely to contest your suggestions.
However, it does get tricky trying to figure out what to do with those tweens and teens.
No matter how 'cool' you think your holiday activities might sound, you're almost guaranteed to end up with at least some dissension in the ranks.
Some kids are easily pleased, and they are just happy to know they are going to be home for a week without having to get up early every morning and go to school, where others aren't so easy.
Since not every family can afford a week or two away on some great holiday, or even a week of camp, parents need to know that they don't have to feel guilty or bad about spending a quiet break with their family.
They key is just to do a little planning, and I mean a little.
If you haven't thought much about it yet, ask your kids what they'd like to do, and if they say 'nothing' then go with it and instead of planning something everyday, pick one or two days of the break where you'll do something as a family, even if it's just going skating, swimming or to a movie, and then plan one or two things for them to do with their friends.
There are tonnes of options and many cost very little or nothing at all, especially if you check out your town or city's local community calendar.
Put everything down in the calendar, and there you have it - March Break is planned! Make sure you leave at least 2 or 3 days for either spur of the moment activities, or video game/tv watching/book reading for everyone and you'll find that when it's time for everyone to go back to school, that everyone had some fun, had some family time and some old fashioned R&R.
For parents of small children you know that the under 10 crowd is unlikely to contest your suggestions.
However, it does get tricky trying to figure out what to do with those tweens and teens.
No matter how 'cool' you think your holiday activities might sound, you're almost guaranteed to end up with at least some dissension in the ranks.
Some kids are easily pleased, and they are just happy to know they are going to be home for a week without having to get up early every morning and go to school, where others aren't so easy.
Since not every family can afford a week or two away on some great holiday, or even a week of camp, parents need to know that they don't have to feel guilty or bad about spending a quiet break with their family.
They key is just to do a little planning, and I mean a little.
If you haven't thought much about it yet, ask your kids what they'd like to do, and if they say 'nothing' then go with it and instead of planning something everyday, pick one or two days of the break where you'll do something as a family, even if it's just going skating, swimming or to a movie, and then plan one or two things for them to do with their friends.
There are tonnes of options and many cost very little or nothing at all, especially if you check out your town or city's local community calendar.
Put everything down in the calendar, and there you have it - March Break is planned! Make sure you leave at least 2 or 3 days for either spur of the moment activities, or video game/tv watching/book reading for everyone and you'll find that when it's time for everyone to go back to school, that everyone had some fun, had some family time and some old fashioned R&R.